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Author[Event] Alec's Challenge - All questions in this thread.
All questions regarding Alec's Challenge are to be asked in this thread. Any similar threads will be closed. Please read through a few of the posts to see if your question has been answered first.


A few common questions:

Q: How long will the event last?
A: Until the 27th February inclusive.

Q: How much gold do I get for winning a battle?
A: 100*CL is the reward for a won battle.

Q: Can I watch other player's battles?
A: Until the event is over, you may not review other player's battles.

Q: How many total battles can I play?
A: By the end of the event, 80 battles. You will get 10 more battles each day. Any unused battles will transfer and may be completed the following day.

Q: Can I wear Enchanted arts?
A: You may wear enchanted shop artifacts - But the enchant will have no effect in combat.

Q: I won a battle and I received an armament for a creature. What are these armaments?
A: Armaments are bonuses that are applied to individual creatures. Winning a battle gives you a chance of earning an armament. You may see what armaments you have from your castle; https://www.lordswm.com/arts_for_monsters.php

Q: Can I choose which enemy faction I face?
A: No, you may not choose the enemy faction.

Enjoy the event! :)
Q: Is the translation of the artifact given correct?
A: No, there is a last part missing: +1% pierce through magic resistances when casting spells for every 3 levels
What can I do to get the artifact ?
for DoomX:
You need to beat all enemy factions/classes. The durability of the artifact depends on your combat level.
Is the duel against factions on a random basis or fixed?
The Artifact's description :
+1 Knowledge per every 7 combat levels of the Lord.
+1 Attack per every 7 combat levels of the Lord.
+1 Defence per every 10 combat levels of the Lord.

Do that means that I won't get any bonus because I haven't reach level 7 yet ?
for DoomX:
You will still receive the artifact if you defeat all enemy factions/classes.

Those knowledge, attack and defence points are extra. The ring itself has +1 defence, +1% initiative. For every 7 levels you have, you will gain +1 knowledge and +1 defence. For every 10 levels you will get +1 defence. So the ring for a level 14 would give +2 knowledge, +2 attack and + 1 defence. For example. For a level 5 like you, the ring would have the basic +1 defence, +1 initative (+1% pierce through magic resistance that isn't displaying.
Thanks, Corey. By the way, is it worth it to battle all the way to get the artifact? +1 defence and initiative seems pretty low.
Do we also get some extra exp or FSP?
Do we also get some extra exp or FSP?

the exp ratio was almost the same as survil def:
so you could say yes, compare to normal battles.

Do that means that I won't get any bonus because I haven't reach level 7 yet ?
Yes, you won't receive bonus if you equpi before lv 7, but you still get arts then you can wear at lv 7 or more to get bonus.
There is still primary status of +1 def +1% init that you get inrelevant of level.
Your combat level isn't lock in this, so you can level up during the fight.

victory result are browght forward, hopefully get better durability due to final level after event.
is it worth it to battle all the way to get the artifact? +1 defence and initiative seems pretty low.

If you want the artifact then yes. You can equip it at higher levels and still get the bonus from being a higher level. :)
After defeating all class of faction, Does additionl fight support something in arts?

Like more durability or it is related to character level?
for supekrypton-:
As of now, the durability of the artifact seems to only be affected by Combat level. We haven't got any other information about whether wins will influence that. My guess is that it probably won't.
when did we have the same event before?
for gonlador:
We haven't had the same event before.
can i get to fight match with a same team again?
(as i got 2 times charmer elf in 4 battles)
for _elf_007_:
Yes. The pairings are random. I too fought 2 factions twice today.
just like xmas vault, you may face faction that you don't need anymore.
so lucky player will get 16(I thought) total different faction face and win

Unlucky player will have to fight all 80 and pray he get fight all faction in last fight LOL.

normally, player will complete all faction facing(no matter u win or lose) around 50+ I guess.
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