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AuthorAutomatic control outside group battles
I want to discuss this especially after my last battle. People who have connection problems lose battles because of spending half their turns on waiting. I mean really, I was clicking a move when I had 20 seconds left and my troop waited instead of attacking! So, how about allowing players (with certain limitations if you think this would be unfair) to pre-set battle styles that their army should follow if he/she does not get the order to them. The battle styles would be:
-Attack/Shoot troop with highest health
-Attack/Shoot troop with lowest health
-Attack/Shoot one of the troops with middle health
-Attack/Shoot a random troop
-Move away
-Cast spell on random allied stack
-Cast spell on random enemy stack
-Automatic control(the troop will act depending on the situation)

And the limitations could be:
-60/75% trigger chance
-OR, being able to use it the first 3/5 times it happens
-An EXP/FSP gain penalty
-If this is activated, the creature is still treated as waiting and thus if it happens continuously the player still loses
-Player stats penalty depending on number of times waited instead of if he lost from waiting
The thing is, you shouldn't play PvP when you have connection issues. This game has so many variables (positioning, targeting, accounting triggers, etc) that AI doesn't really compensate for missing player actions.

Giving the control of another player's units to his teammates in group battles has been proposed before, which wouldn't be that bad an idea actually. However, creating AI mechanics to 'replace' player action in timed combats doesn't sound like worth the effort, considering how easy it is not to afk.
Not needed -1
Transfer control to AI is fair enough and you shouldn't play PvP when you have connection issues.
If this idea is implemented than we will be able to play auto battles everytime.
So,I don't think its required.
I know, the thing is connection issues sometimes show up at the time of battle. The player does not always realize earlier he has them. And, "If this idea is implemented than we will be able to play auto battles everytime." I understand, but wouldn't limitations make it balanced? A player would prefer non-auto battles rather than AI, due to a) the limitations and b) the fact that troops are silly in AI, and the player would usually know better what to do. Another limitation could that this would only activate once a day, or once every two days. And possibly the battle styles could be even less. Ex. there could be only 1 spellcastin style, "Cast a random spell".
AI in PVP will ruin PVP. think about the opposing team, they are playing PVP because they want to play against human beings that can make mistakes or be brilliant or rant .... these are what makes pvp fun. allowing people to join pvp but give control to AI will just ruin it for everyone.
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