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AuthorHunt EXP and FSP Caps.
My suggestion is with regards to the a. Experience and b. FSP received on Hunts.

I derive my suggestion based on a player profile I was viewing earlier who is a "PURE" Hunter Character not involving himself into any other form of battle.
Link: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=2715244

Battle noteworthy:
Goblin warlocks (140357): https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=669006780

Present System Caps Exp Received at (Level)*500 and FSP received at 1.00.
So regardless of me hunting 1 Goblin, or 1,000,000 Goblins, I receive 1 FSP. Doesn't this seem a little irrational? Shouldn't "SKILL" Points actually reflect upon the difficulty of the battle as well?

Thanks to the current caps, Hunters' Guild is almost eliminated from our daily routine Level 16 onwards. The Effort reward relationship is the worse in Hunters' Guild.
A normal Red Hunt.
Inputs: a. IMMENSE Time. Battles lasting Hours. b. Hunter Arts. c. Hope (That neutrals don't get Morale)
Outputs: a. 1-1.5k Gold. b. Capped Exp. c. 1 FSP. d. 1 HG.

The character pretty much gets ruined if we concentrate on Hunters' Guild past HG 8.

In short my point is... Gold derived is fine. 1 HG point is perfect too. But, the Exp gained and FSP received needs some re balancing. It is painful to watch someone kill an amazing number of creatures and in the end receive "ONE" Fsp. I hope I got my point across. Time to focus on HG a lil bit. Cheers.

It'd require some massive changes tho, as the old players would have to get their 'extra' fsp and experience as well.
You have a point, both of you. How come none suggested this before?

Although this could be to prevent players from focusing on hunts and enrolling, it still is unfair. However, this were to happen it should be possible for players to gain less than one fsp, in cases where they defeated something easy.

It'd require some massive changes tho, as the old players would have to get their 'extra' fsp and experience as well.

damn true !! + 1000
There is some reason because exp cap, since admin do not want people rush into CL99 for fsp not only HG, MG guild also give less fsp

fsp can be increase depends on creature number, say + 0.01 for some number
Thanks to the current caps, Hunters' Guild is almost eliminated from our daily routine Level 16 onwards.
It's not the caps, it's the fact that HG9 is 1300 points away. A galaxy.

The Effort reward relationship is the worse in Hunters' Guild.
On the other hand, HG is the Guild that rewards most : +1 stat point for each level. Nothing else is that good.

Still, I agree that something could/should be done. The obstacle past HG8 seems pretty steep compared to other similar level ups.
+1 totally agreed
While i agree that we need better Effort reward relationship, still i think if everything were to be made that perfect, this game wouldn't be the same anymore. People wouldn't have to worry about building better character(more fsp per xp) if everything were to become equally rewarding in each term.

Nevertheless its a +1 because if a guild has higher levels in it, we should be allowed to make it there without having sacrificed a lot of character building.

Really nice
This is the point we prefer less hunts :)

I prefer gain the minimal amount of fps as possible, so it will take longer to level up, which means more time to build up my stats.

I truly understand the pain of being a high level, against a hard guild, yet it will bring many complications, that involve old players which will need some kind of reward. At same way it will be a huge pain to anybody who is building stats and sundelly everything get messed up. The good thing about a strategy game is, we can pragmatic plan ahead, instead doing things randomly.

The biggest reason to do hunts is to get one extra attack point, since it's gonna greatly impact on battlefield, it's already the reward is already big enough.
It's possible to request hunt assistence any time, assuming that the player don't desire to unlock a achievement, with this case, again makes no sense to complain about hardness.

To not mention if this behavior become a popular desire, will lead to a decrease of PvP battles (not by a huge amount surely), since hunts will give all fps as they want, plus gold, plus stats, and since easy hunts are boring, definitely will lead to more players leave the game for good. Let's face, most people who plays this game prefer PvP battles, yet they do some PvE combats only to make his/her account stronger for upcomming PvPs, if the PvE become even more rewarding, this will kind force people to keep doing that more frequently.

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