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AuthorIdea - New Creature abililties - split stack and expand
Just a thought of some abilities which may introduce some tactical interestings.

A split stack ability such that during the game instead of taking its normal turn a stack may split to create an additional one. This could either be at a fixed 50:50 or with a choice of how many should go into the new stack.

Obviously this would tend to be used to create retal takers or to try and block a shooter from being attacked.

Expand ability - For one turn the creature expands to become a large creature. Again useful as a blocking tactic.

Obviously would need careful balancing, endless incorporeal creatures with either of those abilitities would be a nightmare.

What are peoples thoughts?
not a new idea, both are here in different way,
first we can say int is clone(phantom) but only nature heroes can do here, your idea sounds like a creature can use phantom on itself

second idea we see in last portal of time "undead from the past" creature call fate spinner using ability called "dual form" small melee creature turn into large shooting spider :P
Ah wasn;t here for the portal of time so never met that one, (not quite the same, but similar idea

As for the same as phantom, it would not be. What I was suggesting is that if you say had a stack of 50 you could mid game split it into another stack, of lets say 25 and 25, or 49 and 1. These would not therefore be like a phantom.
-1, it removes tactical thinking required in the setup stage, and as you can split troops then there is no need to suddenly split them halfway through battle

Rage ability, bloodlust, wizzard garg split and fly different, split and die and get spirit for some faction, many more.
Addition, location of split stack


because of that blocking tactic again , some abilit(eg broad attack) become different,

are you drunk?
Too easy to abuse.
-1, This game takes inspiration on Heroes V, such abillity doesn't exist there.
This game takes inspiration on Heroes V
So, you say that taking inspiration means to copy the same things? Doesn't getting inspired by someone allow you to be innovative?
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