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Authorlower cost / short duration option for charm, skill potion, mounts..
skill potion, mounts : 1 day

Abu-Bakir's Charm : 1 week

adding those low cost options would definetely increase their use, hence gold spent by players.
Why not?

not everyone has the time to play MG or Ranger for a whole week or are active enough to want an Abu-Bakir's Charm for a whole month, but if you have the day off work/school etc. then it could be useful - so yes good idea
Why not add even more flexibility?

Like: abu bakir's charm-Cost/day=1670g [scroll menu to choose number of days (max 30)]
Like: abu bakir's charm-Cost/day=1670g [scroll menu to choose number of days (max 30)]
Great idea :)

Abu Bakir's charm goes waste half the time.
maybe the cost of ABC should be made 1900 gold per day as 1670 would be same as buying it for a month but 1900 would make it more like renting it.
+1`excellent idea
+ 1 would be nice
That's where the subtlety of ABC comes in : you have to commit to it for a while to get its benefits. It's way too easy otherwise.
Definitely -1 for ABC (or triple the price)

+1 for the others.
+1 awesome idea. i always wanna use it. but unable to since i get a day or 2 off and rest of the days it will be a waste
for Derelict:
well i can notice the current subversive system has swayed your perspective towards the charm...
you have to commit to it for a while to get its benefits.
thats the exact thought the former chalenges, to add flexibility and overlook the commitment..u can keep your opinion and i assure you i discern it but i also hope u understand me subsequently
Yeah I understand you all as wanting the advantages, when you want, and how you want.
If I keep my opinion, you can keep your suggestions, ok ?
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