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AuthorOne for All:team up
I was playing a one for all battle and as i know players dont team up cauze it is against the rules.So, those players did.I was talking to them at English but unfortunatly they were russian.In the end i told them "go learn some english" "jesus" and a player answered me "Suc* you".

Pls some Justice over here
Pls transfer the topic at the right section.
players dont team up cauze it is against the rules

Read the rules again before playing
Local Rule#3E//Temporary treaties in 'Every one for oneself' or 'Blindfold' battles are not forbidden. If two or more players unite for eliminating the rest, it is not a violation of the game rules. But consider that this rule does not allow joining the same combat with additional characters or from one computer.

However, you can post a complaint about bad language here:


if you think you have been insulted.
closed by ElfPride (2015-01-28 07:05:44)
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