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AuthorIllegal Scripts being used!
It is apparent now multiple days into this event that there are many people running illegal purchasing scripts.

If you look at the Lucky Horseshoe, Maskrobe, Dragonwing Cloak, Soldier Boots, Ruby Boots, and Ring of thorns you'll see that they finish and are gone before they even show up in a browser!! This happens even when there are very few people on the system (<2000)

This has to be creating a ton of traffic for the servers as these scripts have to be hitting many times a second to be ready to buy the millisecond that the items are finished. And it seems pretty obvious who is doing it as there are sellers with 3 or more of these items that are being sold on the market for great profit. If I can't even see one appear for sale at 4 different locations when the time ends on a Maskrobe, how is it that they are selling 3?

I would think the Admins could see who is buying these and penalize them as it's making the game painful for players who are not cheating.
closed by Beliar (2015-01-15 12:06:32)
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