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AuthorFreight delivery
Pirate ambushes resonated all across the Empire. The inns of Harbour City were filled with fishermen afraid of sailing off, and instead spreading rumours of silos being constructed on East Island for storing abrasives, no less.
The rumours had a ground, for shipwrights were working day and night, and the ship factories were barely managing to rid of the wood shavings as they launched one ship after another for the future campaign. The Lordship was worried about all sorts of things, like whether the hydras fall seasick, whether the ships are resilient to fireballs, and how to evade the infamous pirate curses, the Black Spots. Work was as much at full swing at the Palace where an urgent council was summoned by the Empress.

"Why shouldn't we solve this problem in a verified way?" Grammith asked directly, hitting the table in front of him with his fist. "We gather troops, destroy these lowdown pirates, and carry on with construction!"
"I appreciate your resolution, Grammith" Her Majesty spoke gently, having cast a cautious look on the table. "But we need a change of strategy. The pirates will not attack the imperial fleet; they are interested in single ships with precious cargo. If they spot an armada of well-equipped ships they will just lay low".
"Then let us have volunteers transport the construction goods. The Heroes of the Empire are well armed, they will be able to fight away the pirates' attacks and deliver them", the warlord suggested.
"Are we still talking volunteers?" Economy councilor Arabat Flamesoul IV joined the conversation, hiding a grin in his cache-nez. "No one's going to risk his hide..." Arabat pecked the table with his fingers, "I mean, his ship, for free, Warlord. I suggest we organise a buy-up facility for construction materials in the East Island. At prices profitable enough for the heroes, clearly".
"Very well, so be it", the Empress enjoined, eager to cut down the dispute. "Grammith, you are responsible for the ships' rigging. Arabat, calculate the proper bidding and selling costs of materials. Everything must be ready by morning. Dismissed".

The rumble of pushed seats filled the hall, the chandeliers went out, and the councilors one by one started disappearing in countless passageways of the Palace. Soon, the dimly lit hall numbered only two figures.
"Aight so, now that we are sailin' East again...", Tolgar made an attempt.
"This is not the time to think about treasures long lost!" Grammith shook his head. "I have to fulfill Her Majesty's orders. We shall discuss this later".
The warlord turned around with a swish of his cape and marched out. Left-alone Tolgar rammed his fist at the distressful table with vexation. It cracked drearily and fell to two chunks.

All Lords and Ladies of combat level 3 and above are welcome to quench their thirst of naval adventures by contributing their aid to transporting the materials necessary for colonizing the East Island. You are required to transport materials and goods from Harbour city to the Island. Beware the pirates swarming the nearby waters, and pay enough attention to the economy of your hauls.


1) Pirate combats are 1 vs. 1 type;
2) The pirate gangs include both might warriors and adepts of Holy, Darkness and Chaos magic schools;
3) Some of the desperados in the pirate gangs were never seen in the Empire before.

Economy and ships
1) You gain 1 silver per 1 ton of delivered freight;
2) Silver is used to upgrade the owned ship or purchase a new one, more capacious and armed with more cannons;
3) Ships have durability, and each voyage to East Island reduces it by 1. This should be tracked carefully, it is recommended to upgrade or replace ships accordingly;
4) The greater the hauled freight, the stronger are the armies of the ambushing pirates;
5) Ships have limits on minimal and maximal freight capacity. The Empire values its fleet and does not allow sailing off without loading minimal freight;
6) Upon losing to pirates, the hero loses 80% of the freight hauled;
7) Buy-up prices on East Island change every hour.


1) A personal ship awaits for every lord or lady of at least CL 3 at the Harbour city;
2) Her Majesty has allocated 5 days, until January 16 inclusive, for freight deliveries;
3) To rule out the risk of valuable ammunition falling into pirates' hands, only shop artifacts are allowed in freight hauls. Enchantments have no effect;
4) The Empire has promised significant rewards to lords and ladies who should deliver the greatest amount of freight;
5) The number of daily freight haul attempts is limited to 10; unused attempts are carried over to the next day;
6) Victorious combats with pirates have a chance to earn armaments for creatures.

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