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Authordirty/ insulting name

clearly there is a swear word in this characters name, how has this gone unnoticed so long, as he is already lv7?
You do realise his character name also signifies a female dog? And I doubt it is "dirty" and not insulting as he as previously posted a complaint against himself and if it was insulting, well he would have been blocked already.
this is an abuse of the double meaning of the word. sure the word bitch in the right context means female dog. but the use of it in the name "BitchFAPlease" is an insulting phrase where I come from. it is insulting to me and it still should not be allowed just because of the double meaning. I have seen people with the words "pussy" and "cock" in their name, even though they could mean cat and rooster. so why block them and not him? why is this instance justified, just because he simply said that's not what he means it to stand for? even though it clearly does?
Well Mr. D0ctorwho, I posted a complaint against myself in April, because I was told to do so by Lord Hallion91.
I waited long enough.
No action was taken.

It really would be unfair if I would be blocked now, because, I wasted 10 months on this account. I could have just made another account and trained it to level 7 by now, if this account had been blocked.

"Pussy" and "cock" clearly intend "sexual" terms.
You found my name double meaning because you yourself have a dirty mind.
Kindly do not act to be so "clean".

I didn't intend anything like this. If you open up Facebook, you'll surely go through terms like Bitch Please and Forever Alone. You should find it offensive as well. Maybe, you should leave the internet, because it is full of meme words like these.
I am a 14 year old kid, and I don't find his name offensive at all... :D
It's is quite a normal name...
whatever this whole ordeal is just plain stupid. you should have been deleted at the moment you created that name on here. admins and mods really need to pay more attention because what im taking away from this whole tread is that the rules don't matter anymore. and a game without rules is just retarded. I use to love this game, now im quitting.
I try to help the admins out by reporting violated rule and every time all that happens is nothing. so I wont ever report another rule being broken, even if I see it happen and have actual evidence I wont report it. let them figure it out them damn selves, because im done trying to help anyone.
Cool story bro.
Now kindly close this topic.

also if you are using the internet meme as you so clearly admit, then you are definitely not referring to a female dog. but worm your way out of it any way you want to, your just a little "female dog"
for BitchFAPlease:
1.11. Character's nickname should not contain foul language, vulgar or slang expressions, alcohol and/or drug propaganda, insults and racial intolerance. Using a nickname that would trick other players into considering its bearer an official clan member is forbidden. An easy-to-read nickname usage is recommended. It must not represent a gibberish combination or carry an obvious sexual or insulting context.
Characters whose nicknames violate this rule, can be blocked regardless of their combat level.
closed by Beliar (2015-01-08 22:12:25)
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