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AuthorTalents and parameters
Dear Lords,

We offer new functions for you to change talents and parameters:
1) Potion of oblivion is free now;
2) Preset talent sets contain parameters distributed by a lord;
3) Lords can create up to 10 preset talent sets containing distributed parameters;
4) Lords can open "Shortcuts" in order to switch the option showing the user’s preset talent sets. If you turn this option on, a dropdown menu "Talents" will appear near the shortcuts. It will contain all the user’s preset talent sets for a current faction and class.

In order to create the user’s preset talent sets you should:
a) Go to the "Talents" page;
b) Choose available talents;
c) Choose "User’s" in a dropdown menu;
d) Enter your own title (for example, "For hunting");
e) Press "Apply".

* If the parameters were not distributed after their reset, newly created user’s preset talent sets will not affect the distribution of parameters. Otherwise, parameters will be distributed so as not to have any parameters left for distribution.
** To delete the user’s preset talent sets you should choose this preset talent set and leave an empty string instead of its title. Press "Apply".

Have a good game!
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