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AuthorWhat the Hell is This?
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb257/HodgePodge_Pics/Lords%20of%20War%20and%20Money/WhattheHellisThis_zps225d545f.jp g

What did I win? :(.
Grrrrr! Here it is again. :(

http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb257/HodgePodge_Pics/Lords%20of%20War%20and%20Money/WhattheHellisThis_zps225d545f.jp g
I guess they don't want you to post links to their mistakes so they put extra spaces into the link so no one can directly look at them with out editing the link. Pathetic. Anyhow, what does this mean and what did I win?
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb257/HodgePodge_Pics/Lords%20of%20War%20and%20Money/WhattheHellisThis_zps225d 545f.jpg
ice crystal
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb257/HodgePodge_Pics/Lords%20of%20War%20and%20Money/WhattheHellisThis_zps225d 545f.jpg
also ice crystal
and you dont have to swear =)
Its an element(Ice crystal).
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Yes I do. :/ I fought many battles, hard and long to open this vault and what do I win? Doesn't even give me a description.

Thanks for your reply SilvercloudD. Just really angry that they put some crummy prize in a vault and don't even have the courtesy to tell you what you won ... after all your efforts. Wow! an Ice Crystal. My game is so much better now. :(
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-12-27 07:22:10 // FR#4.2.1//Abuse of capitalization, redundant letters, words or symbols in headers and messages are forbidden. (warning)
1) nice header :D
2) need to remove the space in jpg to open the link
3) some one is playing with ice crystal :P
Besides, 'Hell' is NOT a swear word. It's in the Bible so it's NOT a swear word!
okay. sorry if you are offended
Yeah, I copied and pasted the correct link several times and still a space is put into the 'jpg'. Really annoying. I guess that's part of LoWM's 'protection' policy. Protection from what, no one knows but if they get their jollies off by inserting spaces into URL's I guess, to each his own. After all, it is the Holiday Season, so I guess if extra spaces give you a thrill, more power to you.
Hell yeah
They don't know the name of elements in english :D
Hehehehe :D
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closed by ElfPride (2014-12-27 07:19:05)
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