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AuthorAny tips for Thieves guild?
It's so hard to find players to ambush:
- many players use mounts
- so many locations, low probability to catch a player
- also can't ambush when less than 40% troops ready

Caravans get stronger very fast.
So have to lose many times, which is not fun.

1) Leveling Rangers' guild is harder than Thieves' guild or not?
2) Is there any legal script that monitors all online players of your lvl so that you can see who is moving where?
3) Any other tips would be appreciated.
1) Leveling Rangers' guild is harder than Thieves' guild or not?
Rangers' Guild is harder I believe since more points are needed for each level.
Not all mounts have anti thief. You can only purchase anti-thief mount with diamonds.
Its rare to catch a player, but caravans should be easily doable at your thief level.

1. Leveling up Rangers guild is twice as hard. Also since you already have entered Thieves guild, don't even think about going back to rangers now :)

2. No, There can't possibly be a script like that. More unlikely, a legal one.

3. Just play in min ap now.. you should win most games easily for a while except maybe a few tough faction encounters. I know people who switch to mid gear after getting some levels in the guild for faster progress (like getting to TG5 fast) while keeping it feasible. However, i have heard this makes it much harder later.

At guild level 3, you can access a special hidden only-for-thieves forum (as you get thief leader's trust) then you can talk things with fellow thieves more easily :D

Have fun ambushing.
If you want more chance of ambushing players, I think it's best if you ambush on routes to the MG places, although I think that the ratio between player and caravan ambushes will stay more or less the same (not exactly sure how this works).

I see you have a very good ratio wins over losses now, so if this is in min ap, just keep going like that. Thieving works with a dynamic balancing system, so you will lose anyway after a while. You need to get at least 0.30 fsp in your loss to get the difficulty down and the difficulty goes down more if you get more fsp in your loss (this is one of the reasons why a lot of people ambush in mid ap, but you can probably still get good losses in min ap). Anyway, play to win, but if you know you're going to lose, kill as much hp as possible (so killing 100 farmers is better than killing 1 angel).

There might be a minimum level, so if you keep losing but the difficulty doesn't go down anymore, you have to get some more ap. Same if you keep losing and don't get 0.30 fsp (you can always have a very bad loss from time to time, don't worry about that).
You need to get at least 0.30 fsp in your loss to get the difficulty down and the difficulty goes down more if you get more fsp in your loss

Thanks Fosgeen! Very useful info!

I usually do ambushes with 60%-100% arts since expecting to catch a player, but only met 2 or 3 players so far.
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