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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

AuthorForum Upgrade
So my idea is instead of people typing '+1'/'-1' in every forum post, there should be an option to 'like' or 'dislike' just like social networking sites have it.
It would make easier for the admins as well. For example, they can set if a post get 100 likes, that idea could be implemented.
The person with most influence in forum on a day can be given a achievement just like the most wins in roulette etc.
the management of this game is centralized based..so your idea simply doesn't work
It;s already been suggested and will be implemented, SOON.
It;s already been suggested and will be implemented, SOON.

But dont think so this is viable The person with most influence in forum on a day can be given a achievement just like the most wins in roulette etc.
In roulette is different, as it depends purely on your amount of winnings, whereas the most influential achievement could also be due to other reasons such as the more friends you have, surely you'll be having more +1 even if sometimes it could be a bad idea.
7. Forum post ratings (+1/-1).
closed by MrBattleControl (2014-10-03 15:30:35)
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