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Author141ST CL15
Format L-U-R-D

1) Invoker Monster Lvl2 (1123hp) - 12 Invokers - 12 Invokers - 12 Invokers (Resurrection Orb)
2) 4 x 100 Stonegnawers (Rally Orb 7 Green Dragons UP)
3) 4 x 775 Goblin trappers (Speed Orb)
4) 147 Cerberi - 90 Lizard cavalry - 147 Cerberi - 90 Lizard cavalry (Speed Orb)
5) 291 Wolf riders - 411 Master spearmen - 442 Ghouls - Recruit Monster Lvl3 (2833hp) (Rally Orb 76 Lizard Chargers RIGHT)
6) 24 Skeletal dragons - 24 Skeletal dragons - 24 Skeletal dragons - Skeletal dragon Monster Lvl3 (2912hp) (Defense Orb)
7) 75 Water elementals - Veteran Monster Lvl4 (3962hp) - 243 Beholders - 759 Hobgoblins (Resurection Orb)
8) 309 Swordsmen - 208 Wolfhounds - 365 Ghouls - 623 Zombies (HP Orb)
9) 640 Tempered centaurs - 18 Twilight dragons - 640 Tempered centaurs - 18 Twilight dragons (Rally Orb 1302 skeletons UP)
10) 1112 Mountain sentries - 984 Infected zombies - 1112 Mountain sentries - 984 Infected zombies (Defense Orb)
11) 4 x 3641 Farmers (Defense Orb)
12) 42 Death envoys - 981 Gremlin wreckers - 86 Hydras - 575 Ghouls (Speed Orb)
13) 667 Elite forest keepres - Demon Monster Lvl13 (12169hp) - 667 Forest brethren - 642 Protectors (Speed Orb)

Thats all folks... That demon monster lvl 13 with 12169hp was too much :P

Good luck all who play this tournament.
closed by WoodBox (2014-09-29 12:28:08)
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