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AuthorAnnoying to do thief quest in empire capital and east river

This player so annoying to do thief quest in capital only to catch real players.


any opinion.
any opinion
Nah, i have better things to do than wasting time explaining such gormless subject :p
Strange A ranger complaining about thief ;p
This player so annoying to do thief quest in capital only to catch real players.

My opinion. , i checked about 10 page, he ambushed you only once, that was a quick one because his initiative high, so non of your troops got any turn :P is that thing annoying? well your are it less ap and ofc less initiative than him
I really dont get why this is a problem. I ambush next to merc guilds all the time.
I really dont get why this is a problem. I ambush next to merc guilds all the time.
I am not mean that doing ambush an illegal or unfair.

(Actually, i hate to using real players for thief quest)

If players want to do thief quest for thier points, fairly they can do those in low players moving location (if really they focus to get caravans for thief).

Doing amush in high number players location like Capital and Eeast river is not fair at any cost.( mean they really annoy to target real player for thier own benfit)

Its not fun anyway to annoy.
You do know that a TG caravan gets triggered only by another moving player. So in low players moving location it may take forever to get one...
If you ambush at borders, ambush takes a lot of time to trigger. Ambushing near MG locations makes ambush trigger way faster. :)
It would be redundant to discuss the same thing in 2 threads, hence it is better to keep the discussion to here only:

closed by ElfPride (2014-09-13 08:35:55)
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