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Author[News]Combat training quest
Combat training quest

While the entire Capital enjoyed spectacular battles doubles tournament and indulged in the traditional festivities of autumn fairs, barbarian Glorlaf sitting in stuffy palace rooms, and again going through a pile of reports of the city guards in the past year. Stubborn warrior refused to believe the figures with parchment, according to which the effectiveness of the guards inexorably declined with each passing month. Glorlaf finally decided to personally check how heroes train recruits. He went down the hall and to take a shortcut, went to the training ground through the zoo. Usually Barbarian loved to read the inscriptions on the plates near the cages, but now his gaze absently slipped by without delving into the content of the text: "The answer is not to shoot with a griffin", "Cerberus does not play the flute," "The acuteness of unicorn horn finger did not check! !! ".

Glorlaf finally came to a huge area, lined with stuffed animals for training, and stood in amazement at first it seemed that the practice court is empty. Then he noticed a lone magician, stolidly weighed out dummies designed to slap magical fist.

- Hey, magician. Where is everybody? - Grinning, asked Glorlaf.
- In the city, at the fair. Fun - without ceasing to strike, sad voice replied the magician.
- Having fun, huh? Well, I'll show them - angrily snapped a barbarian and a powerful blow knocking or the innocent stuffed, hurried back to the palace.

That evening on the streets of the capital will be ads read: "All the heroes of the new recruits fail to come to the palace for the passage of the initial training. Turnout for the other characters: optional. Captain of the Imperial Guard, Glorlaf."

Heroes, added new battle quest. Tasks include training fights for 1-2 levels fairly easy difficulty. Nevertheless, the quest is available to the heroes of all levels. As always, the artifacts in the quest fights do not break, and the reward for the passage of a unique artifact.

[Translated by google]
quest reward : https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=quest_pendant1

yep it is good for low lvls but high lvl players can also participate
yep it is good for low lvls but high lvl players can also participate
and its extreamly easy, could finish it in 10min or even less..
Hm.. forgot to add that it can't be sold, traded, etc..
A link to the battle ?
A link to the battle ?
No link it is quest battle. easy all of them is related tactics, retail taking and troop placement.
Yeah it was easy , hardly took me 5 mins to complete :p
Hmm can be good for new learners , but i dont think any high lvl player can loose any one of the battle :P
where can i do it ?
where can i do it?
Palace in Empire Capital

but I was able to do this and the previous battle quest from Wolf Dale, probably a bug though.

This should become a new tutorial replacing that Leyshosh guy at the beginning imo
It's not a bug. Battle quests are available form everywhere.
ah ok cool
where and how to do it....
login .ru and click that link to palace below pendant picture (offical news )
how to pass the 2 bear mission, after the big spider :D

This is impossible?!
we cant see those battles from other players.
but all of the battles were super easy. you have to do your best to fail them :P
it could be easy if i know what msg tells me when i kill bear... without Arctic it looks bad
For that combat, kill one stack that is not a bear and you win
But that's the previous battle quest "Stripping Wood", the new quest is "First Steps", both can be found in the same location, so note which one you attempt and refer to the corresponding threads
(quest names are googly translated)

Empress Ansi
other players cannot view your quest combats, describe which one it is then others can help :)
yeah i killed scouts and won it, now there is new pack of battles, thanks for help
there is one other called rogues or something, 40 enemy scout attacking supplies,how to kill those
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