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AuthorCold blade (Talent)
Does the % extra dmg ignore the enemy s defense? Because its water dmg.
ignore def ? no they do only 10% more water elemental damg(it won't affect creature with water elemental immunity) it is not like water spell
The extra damage (but really only those 10% extra water damage) does ignore the defense. However it is reduced by water shield and magic proof.
How can the +10% of DAMAGE ignore defense when the DAMAGE parameter is dependent on defense ?
If this extra water damage is affected by magic resistances, would it also be affected by magic piercing?
Do enchances increase effect of cold blade?
[Post deleted by moderator Murali // As requested by virtual_vitrea.]
I believe Hallion is trying to say that defense does play a part in the extra damage, although indirectly.

Let us say, for example, that you have a stack of 50 Shrews that normally deal 1000 damage to a stack of Swordsmen. Cold Blade should add another 100 water damage. (For simplicity, this is a hunt and you have min AP equipped.)
The amount of water damage done depends on the amount of damage the Shrews to normally. And the amount of damage your stack of Shrews would normally do depends on the defense of the Swordsmen.

Does that make sense?
it doesn't make sense to use *Ignore defense* since I don't see any defense are ignored.
*may be damage reduction such as talents and arts will be ignore? or may not?*

hallion is asking how could ignore defense? not answering how it ignore.
[Post deleted by moderator Murali // As requested by virtual_vitrea.]
the cold damage is not independent with defence
for example
1/when 100 shrews attack swordmen , the damage is 1000, the cold blade will add more 100 water dam
2/ when 100 shrews attack knight ( with hight defence), the damage is 500, so the cold blade add more only 50 water dam.
Eternal Dusk gets my point.

Normal damage dealt depends on defense, so extra damage dealt also depends on defense. And as a result it also depends on other resistances (such as faction resistance etc) and yes the extra 10% damage is water elemental so piercing and magic resistance apply to it.
um... i dont get it.
suppose i have 70 boars of 35 attack and 24 defense and i hit a druid of 7 defense having 14 in stacks
then how much damage will i deal if i have cold blade and how much will i deal without cold blade??
suppose i have 70 boars of 35 attack and 24 defense and i hit a druid of 7 defense having 14 in stacks
then how much damage will i deal if i have cold blade and how much will i deal without cold blade??

now to try to simplify it as much as possible
the 10% damage is calculated AFTER defense and melee damage or other resistances are taken out so if you deal 1000 damage it will be 100 if its 500 damage its 50
basically the 10% is calculated in last so in instance if you deal 1000 damage to xbows the extra will be 100 if you only deal 900 the next time it will be 90
Normal damage dealt depends on defense, so extra damage dealt also depends on defense. And as a result it also depends on other resistances (such as faction resistance etc)
also correct now if your a dark elf facing 2 barbarians but one has say 9 or 15% resistance to dark elf faction
now lets say you can reach both wolf raiders both with the same defence
non faction resistance 1000 base damage+100 cold blade damage=1100
factions resistance 9% 910 base damage+91 cold blade damage=1001
I think we all mean more or less the same. I looked it up now:

First, the damage is calculated based on the general damage formula https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34.
Then, modifiers apply to it. It could be the Offense talent, a stat on your weapon that says "Increases damage dealt by X%" etc.
Then the effect of cold blade applies to that step of damage. It isn't base, but it is the final physical damage that a creature would deal.

it also depends on other resistances (such as faction resistance etc)

Every type of damage depends on faction resistance.

If this extra water damage is affected by magic resistances, would it also be affected by magic piercing?

I'm not sure but I doubt it, because for example hellfire isn't affected by magic piercing either.
[Post deleted by moderator Murali // As requested by virtual_vitrea.]
instead of discussing until the end of time, can someone show a battle with fearies and cold blade? (or any other unit with same min and max damage) then we can find out ourselves.
Hmm, I see... So, to simplify, does the Cold Blade extra dmg add BEFORE or AFTER the reductions of the base dmg that a stack makes? Since some ppl in this topic are saying opposites.
At this point, don't consider my replies as answer. I now have the same query after hearing different answer from so many more experienced people. Whatever i said in post #17 is how i believed the talent worked, and i still do unless proven otherwise.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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