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Authorsplit safety time for survil
instead of 10 hours safety, It would be nice if we can split it into 2 x 5 hours safety.

currently, it is hard for player who are not in line with safety of the whole clan especially when it become their active hour.
interesting, for a .com MC... i don't think .ru MC need this...

anyway +1
i don't think .ru MC need this...

then admin wont implement this :P
Not good since,

safety hours = sleeping time. Since the majority of the players are russian, thus they sleep more or less at the same times (not like .com players who we are scattered everywhere in the globe :P).
It MIGHT happen though IF there isn't a huge number disparity between players from western Russia and far eastern Russia.
how about an option to MC leader to select between 10 hours safety or 2 x 5 hours safety. it may help them to organize their members composition on the basis of time slot.
Noo -1
+1. nice idea
for Topseh:
Obviously, you can do 2x5hr safety consequently.
That will definitely be 10hrs safety. No specific option needed.
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