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Author#8693 Heroes of Wrath- The mercenary event
Hiya mates.... Heroes of wrath yet again organized a new event
All who wanna participate just have to do maximum mg quests till 2nd July...

To participate in this event... Firstly u will have to join our clan and then give ur names to me....

After 2nd July... All winning mg links should be sent to naturef
Winners will be announced the next day and the Prize pot is :-

1st-- 10k
2nd-- 5k+ Viper Venom
3rd-- Fire Crystal

Good luck
Current List of participants:---

1) a1008
2) yashu123123
3)Tri Force
4) Legend-bouc
5) Pankaj_Kalra21
6) siddi111
7) The executuioner
As this event is limited to your clan only, please keep it's discussion to your clan thread only.

Besides, if you think to organize such an event server-wide:

Local Rule#4.2. Remember, custom combat tournaments with prizes are forbidden by the general game rules.
closed by ElfPride (2014-06-18 11:22:03)
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