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AuthorUndermine, Gremlin wrecker
• Undermine
This creature can lay a mine on any tile of the battlefield which is invisible to enemies. When an enemy stack steps into it, it takes 2 Earth elemental damage per creature in this stack [the stack lying the mine], and begins taking 1% more magical damage from all sources per creature in this stack [the stack lying the mine] up to 25% total.
That's exactly we see when we point on it.
However, in event, they stop enemies
But not here? and why?
If they can't stop, why they actually stop enemies in event?
I read in General Game Forum, in the Wizard thread, that it is a bug where it has the same effect as tribal goblins traps, but I suppose thats not the effect intended.
closed by wizzard-sage (2014-06-17 21:37:15)
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