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Authorbest battlewise wizard 1 level 8

1]1 efreet sultan x4 +22 renegade thugs bottom
2]X-16 orc chief-6 lich-16 orc chief +defense
3]5 water element-5 royal griffin-36 mountain sentries-51 skel legion +resurrect
4]X-3 anglerfish-X-3 anglerfish +arrows
5]86 spearmen-86-86-spearmen monster(602hp) +attack
6]146 skel legion-46 wolfhounds-1 great leviathan-15 mummy +init
7]4x 3 venom wyvern +attack
8]5 cyclops kings-3 giants-22 ogre magis-57 wolfhounds
+9 black knights gate right
9]38 succubus-enchant garga monster(1520hp)-98 plains wolves-21 chieftains +init
10]107 magogs-85 appparitions-67 rogues-281 skel legions +init

score 33k, 5500xp, 3.2fsp
Participants level: 8
Challenge type: Preset survival style combats with one faction
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Amount of attempts: 7 (5)
Highest score: Battlewise wizard 27706
35624 on my alt after 2 tries. Most likely wont do another one.

11. 31 Minotaur Soldiers LR / 36 Cerberi UD - Arrow Orb
12. 22 Earth Shamans / 30 Vampires / 7 Dark Witches / 10 Clerics - Attack Orb
13. 19 Senior Genies / 3 Tribal Beholders / 120 Enchanted Gargoyles / 36 Ogres - Health Orb
closed by ElfPride (2014-06-12 06:50:29)
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