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AuthorLevel 4 Wizard Spells in Event !
How is this possible ?
A level 4 wizard casting magic arrow ?
And will the new class coming will also be able to cast magic arrow in level 4 ?
maybe they get magic arrow instead of magic punch at level 1?
#2 yup!
Seriously ?
Then that wiz class would be too overpowered
But alt class can only be accessed from CL 5
Cheater AI :P
I hope this alt class could be accessed from level 3 :P
only lvl 5 because the first thing wiz can learn and upgrade is gremlins. thats why its only at lvl 5 :P
cloud wiz lack of sorcery talent?
They do have access to sorcery branch, they just dont use it on lower levels.
yup they dont need to use it cause they have that new talent :P
Maybe they are reducing the level to 3 because you can use diamond upgrades earliest at level 3?
Just AI things guys.
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