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AuthorPenalty imposed
I got this mail from Administration
"You have been imposed a penalty or warned:
Player was imposed a penalty of 40000 gold. // Bad sportsmanship in combat, https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=616739423

Most probably, you have violated the game's rules:

We persistently ask you to get acquainted with the rules and to never violate them henceforth. Otherwise, you character will be blocked."
I just try to help hunt, but why?
You steps were perfect but unfortunately.. Your lorekeepers attacked your ally's crusaders twice
Before also you had been made know to this problem
Although your attacking was a good step
But your ally must have reported you in anger of losing.
Your ally must have thought u were attacking on purpose
So he reported on u
U can speak to arctic about the issue.
He might be able to help you.
You steps were perfect but unfortunately..
Seriously Optimus (and also Siddi), did you even watch the battle?

After the first 3 moves by Darkelf84, the battle was lost. The bad shots did not really change the outcome.
next time you hit allied troops, make sure to ask for permission first, or at least be fast to apologize. that is indeed considered bad sportmanship.
to Lord STB.
My moves were not bad, i drew enemy to help us, enemy could't touch my senior genies in 2 turns, so my Senior genies could cast spell on his Wardens.
Tut his troop settlement was not good, that is the reason we lost. I can't kill others even if i can use all my mana.
there's the official appeal commission for these kinds of problems, i guess you could try that out
The knight had afk-setting, which most likely lost the battle right at the start.
Wizard moves were questionable, but if I afk'd my settlement in a teamhunt i wouldnt even dare to report the other guy
/my opinion
May i know why you moved your garg to top?

moving all your troup up and they died fast! :(??
I am not sure if both the players in your battle were playing seriously or wanted to die so badly.
to vicky666
To draw enemy, i said before :). I want my senior genies to be alive to cast spell for warden.
To think of it, any rational wizard player would not have used his primary stack as bait. You waited first two turns with Senior Genies, on the other hand he played his first turn with Cavalry although his troop setting was Afk.

Think of it this way, what if I joined your hunt and rushed with my Warlords and Enforcers using them as bait so that the hunt creatures couldn't reach my Outriders? That would be lame right? Same applies here.
To analyze further, you could have inflicted 20790 more damage. The total health of the troops remaining was 23064. Viz, Half your mana pool went unused.

So instead of rushing in with baits, you could have covered his wardens instead.

I am 100% sure you were not fined for "Friendly Fire" but rather for the way you used your Gargs.
40k exceeds fine for bad displacement of troops...He must've reported you for the latter too! Imho, his strategy was in solidarity with your moves, I insist you on reverting this incident back to the appeal commission.

[The appeal commission: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2124818]
i admit it llooks like you were trying to loose, i have never seen a wizard play like that.

however 40K is alot of money for questionable tactics.

but i dont think ur likely to get ur money back.
If i'm not wrong, this is your third warning for bad sportsmanship? Maybe that's why it's 40,000 this time unfortunately.
To AKA and death2all
I was not AFK
1/ Why did my 2 stacks of senior genies wait? why did my heroes cast sone skin spel on warden?
I want cast holy spell on wardens by Senior genies after others cast stone skin and chastise spell. It makes more change for Bless and Rapid spell.
2/ Why did my lorekeepers wait?
I want to cast chastise on phantom wardens if the Exorcists have yet done.
3/ Why did my troop move forward?
I want to draw enemy, enemy could't touch my senior genies in 2 turns, so my Senior genies could cast spell on his Wardens. Even if my troop die, i could raise.
4/ Why did i attack my ally? I know that my hero can't kill other enemies even if i can use all my mana, so my lorekeepers need to kill a part of enemies.
For example: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=608288271
It can be happen if you're not playing standard move. Many RU players blame on me too when I do a weird move and losing haha.
This is the application which your hunt partner has posted against you as 'drain troops in combat' which probably is 'give away combat' but the penalty description was mentioned as 'bad sportsmanship'.

The move made by the gargoyle looks more like suicide rather then as decoy.

If you think that the punishment was unjustified then you can make a petitions in the Official appeal commission's forum.
Follow the instruction in the commission's clan page to post a petition.

Try explaining your point of view in the petition which you mentioned in post 18.If commission agrees with you the gold penalty will be reimbursed.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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