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AuthorSimple market change- common ground where arts go before being sold
As of now, you buy arts before you sell them.. doesn't make sense

2014-05-09 23:35: Sold item: "Obsidian baton" [40/40] for 4970 gold to Anony-mouse as lot #65282428. Commission: 50
2014-05-09 23:35: Acquired item: "Obsidian baton" [40/40] for 4970 gold from Anony-mouse as lot #65282428

I think arts should be sold first, and then acquired

Why? you may ask

Well, suppose you have 27 arts in inventory and three in market..
No one is buying your stuff from market and you need inventory space
You should have the power to buy back your own arts from market and sell at lower price.
But with the current system, you cannot buy even own arts if your Inventory is full..

Correct Logic.
Correct Logic.
Also, should be easy to implement

I love simple improvements suggestions :D
Amy programmer will immediately recognize this as a good example for something that may disrupt the structure of the program.
Instead, think and plan ahead before you post something. Set the time for the sale to something shorter.
this will work like WoW auction house works, where more active players constantly undercut casual players.
I'm a programmer and I recognize that arts are sold first and then bought. Also I'm a programmer and recognize that this change requires only one cut-paste of code, assuming the code is versatile.

I'm not sure if you get the meaning of this suggestion, which is JUST this: arts should be sold first, and then acquired, meaning when a transfer takes place the artifact first leaves the owner's hands and then reach the receiver's hands, not the opposite. Simple, right ?

I see no problems with this change, quite the opposite, this should have been done 7 years ago, when market was first implemented.
According to devs method of transaction buying occurs first (reserving inventory space first before moving art) and its a best pratice to note down things when there occur(Log maintenance) for better recovery from failures/crashes.
What makes this change vulnerable to to failures/crashes ?
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