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AuthorGuardian's turn skipped without attacking
refer to this ambush combat log (https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=615998687)

my guardian turn was skipped while attack the lizard.

in the combat replay, it show clearly that:

1. i m not using defend command; else it will show guardians defend
2. i m not using wait command; else it will show guardians wait
3. guardian turn is not skip due to turns end or i lose connection; else it will still show guardians wait.

Please do some investigate and fix the bugs
another missing point:

4. i didnt move the guardians, it still stay on the tile it at.
Same thing happened to me twice.

Near the end of the battle, my envoys skipped a turn without doing anything as well.

Second time was in a survilurg combat, too lazy to dig it out.
Same here:
Almost at the end, lich does not do anything:
'Auto move on click' feature could have created this problem.


If you command your troop to attack an tile which it cannot reach then it will move to the closest tile in its range.
If it is covered in all the directions then it turn just skips(similar to that of moving 0 tiles) thus it is not mentioned in log.
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