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Quick Tournament

AuthorQuick Tournament
My idea is to remove Enchantments from quick tournaments and some noob people (russian diamond users) come with full encahnts and waste the fun.
Hmm..I would say pleaz remove min ap's for QT's :)

They spoil the battle :P
Hmm..I would say pleaz remove min ap's for QT's :)

They spoil the battle :P

well said they spoil the fun more than enchanters do
Now, there are 2xQT 2vs2 and 2xQT 3vs3 every day.
I suggest 1xQT "standard" and 1xQT "Free-for-all".

We don't have any other tournament that is Free-for-all
Hmm..I would say pleaz remove min ap's for QT's :)

They spoil the battle :P
-1 i u can take enchants to. if u dont like QT then dont play ;(.
Hmm..I would say pleaz remove min ap's for QT's :)

They spoil the battle :P
This is silly My idea is to remove Enchantments from quick tournaments and some noob people (russian diamond users) come with full encahnts and waste the fun.
If remove the enchants, then there is no pont of enchantas and tournament. If u got golds, money, u play, enjoy and fast lvl up. Earn goldys.
If others cant live with it, gamble , broke.. or waht ever reason is, jsut dont play QT`s

Simple as that.

This is same , as suggest remove tribals or what ever facton for joing tournaments, or they special abiltys.

Game is about be good as u can, Win. Not let anyone winn jsut like that :)
Is it?
Remove enchants or make enchants permanent like CG ( coz if u buy enchants u get a guy with no enchants or less ap)
So, when will people with enchanted/rare items test there items? What use is there in having a rare set? Pure defence's? Naa.. If anything they should get the MIN AP WAY higher.

You know how frustrating it is to join a QT with enchanted gear and then find out that your team mate wears only 1 sword?
for Arcanide:
So agree
for Arcanide:
Yea thats waht i msaying chance Rules of QT
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