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AuthorMatrimonial Relations Update
Allow characters of the same gender to enter into matrimonial relations with each other.

Currently, if you try to register this option in the Registry Office at the Capital it neither proceeds to the next screen or acknowledges any transaction of the requisite 1000 gold required for initial registration.

I feel this is a necessary step to unify with the situation in the real world.
Sorry for double post,
But I also feel it is a necessary step so that I may unify myself with someone
+1 why not?
I didn't even know there was a barrier against this...
Freedom is what games should give.

Some people makes there character as Female, evein if they are males, and other way.
Becouse some likes the look of female character or male one. But there real life gender is not same as in game made.
So it would be nesesary to be able set relations with same gender.

This shudnt be take as some gey pride, or some thing, this is just a game, where shud be freedom, to make family as u want :)

This was actually available before the merge..But after the merge,its not possible anymore.

Freedom is what games should give.
loool, a funny thread...
okay! +1

totally agreed, and this thread is actually more important than most threads!
Hm, i dont like the way this thread goes :P
Eurovision anyone? :))
lolEurovision anyone? :))

dont think so..
i dont suport that Sosage geyvision -.-

Its only about game :P
I'm sorry, but don't we have more important things to discuss and add to the game?
i'm sorry that people is missing the important thing... if you think it's only for the game, then is not important... actually, only bedchamber has an active rol in the game...
+1 for the ingame reasons (bedchambers with same gender)
+10000 for the major reasons
Why not? :)
Although this is necessarily a needed measure, it won't be possible anytime soon
This is a russian game, a place where gay marriage, though legal, is strongly discriminated against..
That may be why the developers have secretly removed that option...

Why not?
The developers may be equally unaware of how the russian gaming community may react to this

Good idea, should be done. Whether russians like it or not, same gender relations do exist and therefore why not in-game aswell?
+1 but as Anony-mouse said it would probably somehow violate the russian law.
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