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AuthorThief ambush Improvement
When we select to set an ambush, give us the option to "enlist" for any kind of ambush, be it "alone" or "With partner". This way, we'll wait less time to start the combat.

For example, I set an ambush and select option "Any type", then I wait and the first most suitable combat for me will start, either alone or not.
and the first most suitable combat = and the first suitable combat
Setting dual.ambush doesn't take much time but still not a bad idea

Anything that makes the game play faster is welcome.

Anything that makes the game play faster is welcome.

Anything that makes the game play faster is welcome.
Anything that makes the game play faster is welcome.
cant understand what you are trying to say please be ellaborate :)
+ 1

never did in group so still dont know
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