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AuthorMerecenary guild time limit
We hav 600 mins 2 complete and 2 head back 2 a place where mg guild is der....I think that if we complete the quest within 600 mins n report 2 the mg guild outside the time span then we should get our reward...because it is not possible sometimes 2 report back 2 the guild even if we hav completed the quest....as this rule makes no sense cuz as it is we hav completed the quest within the given time...so I think that there should be no time limit for reporting back....
I dont see ur probleme here.
Whats the problem with 600 min?
its 10hrs to complite and report quest.

Thats why its quest, read scenario in quest, u will see story there.
They ask u complite it with given time, Do it, and report back. Thats that!

Simple as 1+1
I agree with d completing part....bt if we report a bit late dat should nt be a problem....
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-05-06 07:50:11 // FR#2.4//Extensive use of short forms such as "u" instead of "you" is prohibited. (warning)
But u have to just report it, in time!
Where is problem with that?

Use normal english words, not slang terms
you have to accept the quest and do it and report it within time limit thats what Mercenary works. other wise it just a quest :P

so -1

For Viren : use proper English words here.
What? I can beat twilight monster (0) 7400 hp i see how one 9 lvl barbar lose to that dragon .

10 hours is long time i can go sleep wake up and complete mision

How i hate playing phone.
I can understand .. he just wants to say. like many time i complete quest and get back to place but i forget to click MG..
I can understand .. he just wants to say. like many time i complete quest and get back to place but i forget to click MG
your fault ;) you have to be responsible :P

i dont think any problem with 10 hrs timer , sometimes i even thought its too much..
Oh, you kids; I remember when the time limit was much shorter (3 hours?). Back then, we also had to go back and forth to the quest, through the snow, uphill both ways. ;)

Maybe he thing he complete qvest faster than we get extra gold or something else.
No I dont want extra gold or something...I am just saying that if we complete the quest in the given time but by mistake if we report outside the given time then we should be given out reward....and I would like to apologise to the moderators for my slang english.
Why need more time? 10 hours is much and you can firs complete qvest before pvp battles and full hp loading take 15 mins only!
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