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AuthorRevive of clan #7331 Clan of Heroes
I'm here to ask the following rule to be applied for the clan "#7331 Clan of Heroes" :
3.29.2. It is possible to ask an Administration representative to reassign the clan leadership from leader to deputy in the following cases:
- Military clan: clan leader is absent from the game for 3 months or more; the leader has not prohibited to reassign leadership in his clan in his or her personal information page;
- Clan with blocked leader: the leader does not have "Not to be unblocked" seal in his transfer log; the leader is not blocked for financial assist, insults or SHL; at the moment of block the clan counts more than 50 members.

The mentioned clan meets the requirements, specifically :
-Clan leader is blocked.
-Leader does not have "Not to be unblocked" seal.
-Leader is blocked for multiple characters management, not any of the other 3 cases.
-At the momment of block, the clan had more than 300 members in it.

Clan leader info :
Name: nobodiez
ID: 4495268
Page: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4495268

Clan info :
Name: Clan of Heroes
ID: 7331
Page: https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7331

The chroniclers and Heralds of the clan are inactive. The last clan mail was in 2012 and there was never a message as to what to do for the clan since the leader was blocked. I propose myself as the new leader of the clan, under which position I will continue to manage the clan as the current members want (I'll ask them in a clan mail).

Thanks in advance, waiting your response.
PM me if you need any additional information.
I believe this is the proper forum for this topic.
I know that the rule says "from leader to deputy", but due to the clan ariving from old Empire we have no deputy in the clan. We did have a treasurer before though, his nickname is lordshan (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4781365).

Is there nothing to be done about the clan ? Should I contact someone from the administration instead ?
ask arctic
he might be able to help u :)
for Lord Hallion91:
The change of the leader can not take place due to the absence of the deputy.
closed by Beliar (2015-01-15 11:59:17)
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