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AuthorGoogle Translator add on
Since the merging of the both servers,there have been many issues in which people complained they are having communication problem with their fellow comrades.
My idea is simply.
Instead of copying the other language sentence and opening a separate tab for google translator,why not make an add on to Lordswm.com?
It would simply convert the languages required and would create more friendship between English people and other language speaking people.

but it has suggested several times

by me too...
opening a separate tab for google translator
don't feel the need... use chrome and get auto-translate

anyway, i use a mac and have a babylon translator on as a widget
I do use Google chrome and believe me,it does not work during a battle, the auto translate thing.
Man use shortcut:)
Better add a feature to auto-translate non-english words and the ability to turn this feature on and off (in combat or in personal info settings).

Though it has been suggested before and I am sure admins are already aware that two main languages are being used and would have "fixed" it already if it could be done easily.

It may be easier to just have Arctic spectate every battle and provide a running translation both ways of everything which is said, in fact this method would allow translations of any language. Try and get chrome to do that!
Happy to be Latvian, know both russian and English
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