Sometimes even the greatest and most ingenious plans may be easily thwarted by an insignificant mishap which impedes the workflow by ruining its rhythm, and everything goes not according to expectations. It appeared that the expedition to the Past was becoming exactly that case. From the very first day of their presence in the Past, the wizards of Abu-Bakir's research group were fussy and grumpy more than usual.
Even the Court wizard himself was clearly dissatisfied with something. He was either roaming the field lab's territory, dark as a stormy cloud, or squabbling with his colleague Bilir whenever their paths crossed. In fact, it was hard to tell whether they quarreled for real or were just having heated arguments and opinion shares, as the complexity and sophistication level of the words they used could dread even the ancient demons. One thing was certain - their current experiments were not successful. Either the results were far from being expected, or its consequences would echo in the future for certain...However, what disaster could possibly happen that our true heroes wouldn't be able to handle?
New challenges are new opportunities to test oneself and show great feats of valor. As for now, the portal has shut. With mixed feelings of sadness due to the adventure to the past coming to an end, and sincere joy of homecoming, it is now time to summarise the results and reward the lordship appropriately.
Lords and Ladies, the expedition to the past is over. Court wizard Abu-Bakir expresses his gratitude to all those who selflessly answered the call and provided cover on the other side of the Portal of Time. Every lord and lady who has won at least 7 combats beyond the Portal will earn a memorial artifact adorned with trophy crystals of time. The durability of these artifacts depends on the total amount of victories in the event.
The best 10 clans will be accounted gold from the Empire treasury. Traditionally, the lists of 50 most prominent clans and 50 most distinguished heroes will be commemorated in Empire archives:
| #1271 | Братство Героев | 2398.3 | #823 | Ginger Tail | 2101.0 | #782 | Темные рыцари | 2079.0 | #104 | Titans | 2050.0 | #41 | Долина Магов | 1977.0 | #1519 | Украина | 1933.0 | #302 | «Орден Единых» | 1696.7 | #5757 | Мстители | 1667.0 | #18 | †Орден Миротворцев† | 1664.7 | #433 | Сарматы | 1649.3 | #5604 | Artefactum | 1606.7 | #14 | Братство Стали | 1592.0 | #783 | Rutenia | 1479.7 | #2303 | III legion of Elfius | 1395.7 | #7705 | † Angels & Demons Ψ | 1389.7 | #5063 | Братство Огненного Дракона | 1333.7 | #7777 | Бессмертные | 1324.0 | #73 | Орден Джедаев | 1321.3 | #1512 | † Nekropolis † | 1276.3 | #2301 | I legion of Elfius | 1264.7 | #4370 | Великие стражи Империи | 1263.7 | #27 | Орда | 1256.3 | #3995 | Триглав | 1208.7 | #1209 | Any Key | 1206.7 | #57 | Тридевятое королевство | 1193.7 | #1597 | Гвардия Солнца | 1184.3 | #5349 | Долина Магов: Орден Серебряного Василиска | 1154.0 | #2870 | Тайное Королевство | 1109.7 | #1254 | Миракулюс | 1038.7 | #2302 | II legion of Elfius | 1000.3 | #928 | Железный Легион | 952.7 | #1180 | Паутина | 948.3 | #6815 | Хирд | 937.0 | #2226 | Elite angels | 873.0 | #468 | Орден Равновесия | 854.3 | #728 | Улей | 839.7 | #464 | Белая Гвардия | 809.7 | #236 | Black Empire | 758.7 | #846 | †Академия Миротворцев† | 722.3 | #3305 | Украина. Величие Запада | 671.7 | #249 | Белая Русь | 671.3 | #5588 | XI legion of Elfius | 669.3 | #3352 | Украина. Мощь Востока | 668.3 | #2517 | The Dedicated Fighters | 643.7 | #933 | Warriors | 630.7 | #1041 | Союз элитных командармов империи | 624.0 | #1138 | Tribunal | 568.0 | #5385 | Нарния | 563.7 | #276 | Молот Ведьм | 559.0 | #2894 | Российская Империя | 553.0 |
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