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Authortalents in portal
Hi all my suggestion is Allow buy talents with cot in portal of time.

For example one talent can pay 50 or 100 cot and was unavailable to get special factions special talents.

Please dont write if you dont like my idea!
Sorry all not pay but cost.
-1 too many constraints...
imagine spare rune, free luck, morale, tactics talent..
Will make the battles unstable

Please dont write if you dont like my idea!

you can't control us ;)
For pankaja karla i said no special faction talents its means no spare rune escort rain of arrows ...
If you have an idea to improve this than post. Some talents can cost more.

too many constraints in my opinion is not a good reason to dismiss the idea. I like this idea. I want to extend it further, I would love to even have unique racial abilities in PoT, for example, tribal spirit.

Do I know the recipe for adding all this? No.

Would I like to have more options to make PoT more fun? Yes.

Great idea. This event I was thinking the same, why can't troops have talent. And in case of Faction Specific Talents, Why not allow purchase of Runes? Then maybe there can also be use for Spare Rune.

We can have Berserker Rune for 100COT. With Spare Rune (Assume Cost 250COT) we can use Berserker and/or any other rune we have bought twice.

Also imagine hellfire used with Faeries and Dragons. Elemental Call will also add an extra benefit to MAges, and make gameplay a lot more faster for them rather than just Defend Defend Defend.

Stand Grounds can make Ironroot treefolk Deadly.

There is just ay too much variety that can be obtained in the POT event. Would be more than happy to see Talents, Runes, etc to be equip-able! :D
+1 if its expensive
like 200 crystals for battle fury or luck ;)

Battle Fury will make all low tier troops.. damn powerful
and vitality is also tough for defensive :)
More complicated, means more different combinations.

I like the idea to buy talents with CoT (without the central talents). I think it would greatly improve the PoT events. Stronger talents should of course cost more than weaker talents, but I also think that we would see many interesting combinations when all subtalents are available.
+1, if there are limited talents, which won't give adv for some particular faction.
for Poison Ivy talens is not for free. no special faction talentis-in centre of wheel.need to improve and test this
+1 fair deal :)
well some saying about rune , lol it is racial ability of dwarf,no talent gives that ability, spare rune won't give rune, it allows to do dwarf racial ability one more times, still if that racial ability is not there means that talent is useless
Yes rain of arows dont work if you dont have avengers guild
same tibal,fury,dark barb center talent is useless, if no Tribal spirit racial skill
No special abilities in portal i dont like it only talents not central talents
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