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AuthorPortal Opening
Heroes and Lords of the Empire, mostly those who had already had the experience of stepping over the time brink, stood impatient, shifting from one foot to another, yearning to face the Sentinels of the Past again.
Some of them were discussing the stellar sky above the city, noting that the constellation of Behemoth was nowhere to be seen at those nights, which could only mean that the wizards had to find another source to serve as a conductor to the underground leylines to power up the Portal of Time.

Speculations about the possible source of magical energy was interrupted by grumbling full of annoyance that spread among their ranks when it was announced that a compulsory orientation was to be held by the Warlord of the Empire. They listened, nodding at Grammith as he was harping at the "Security of every hero comes first!", while watching with unconcealed envy as the combat magi of the Sunny City became the first ones to vanish in the opalescent surface of the Portal. The magi each carried inside a small crate, but when they reappeared some time later they were empty-handed. Immediately after, some excitement arose among the minor demon creatures, which was left unnoticed by most of the present heroes.

Those who did notice understood what they were going to face. Portinite orbs had been deliberately crushed at the other side of the portal, and the so called Sentinels of the Past would now count one more faction from the very start. The long-expected horn sounded above the city, signifying the beginning of the campaign.

The Portal will be sustained until April, 16th inclusive. Every lord of combat level 3 and above is welcome to lend their weapons in an exciting journey into the Past and assist the Academy research group by battling any hostile parties discovered there.

The portal is a sophisticated device that does not allow passing through it under normal conditions. A lord must power the portal, and power any creatures he or she wants to take along into this adventure, with Crystals of time.
Every time traveler will be credited with a starter lot of 350 Crystals of time.
The following limitations exist for all characters:
- Chosen talents have no effect;
- Faction skills and unique racial abilities have no effect;
- Only shop artifacts are acceptable to pass through the portal;
- Enchantments on artifacts have no effect.
Lords may not take their normal armies, instead, they may recruit any playable faction creatures they would like to accompany them in the Past: of one or more factions; basic and upgraded ones simultaneously, no limits. Each creature needs certain amount of Crystals of time to charge them. If creatures of different factions are recruited, their morale will decrease. The 'Hall of Unity' allows preventing the decrease in morale.
Magic spells will also not be carried over through the portals initially. By charging the portal with crystals, lords are able to access any spells of their interest, of any Magic school, at Expert level.

The Sentinels of the Past will now count four neutral factions: Recalcitrant Tribes, Templars of the Sun, Amphibians and Infernals. Study your enemy and remain vigilant; give the use of Crystals of Time enough thought, their clever distribution will be key to your success.

Remember! We are first and foremost to provide security for our researchers, not to conquer any territories of the past and not to vanquish the inhabitants of those territories. Our expedition is purely in the interest of magical sciences, and the the number of time travels is limited to 7 per day (unused travels stack up and may be used on later days). Victorious time-travelers earn a good amount of skill points for their current faction, as well as some minor amount of gold. More importantly, every travel earns additional crystals of time that may be used to upgrade magic or to improve recruitment.

It's time to step through time!
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