Author | Tournaments |
I paid 2000 for duel tournament to 9.00. what happend? Now i need waiting to 9.30p.m. Why? |
The tournament must have started before you applied, thus you must wait till 9:30 to apply again.(You don't need to pay again) |
There are no opponents for you, that means odd numbers player join the tourney.
Second reason, the opponents who join the tourney at that time you have been fought. |
but if i cant apply again? Can you give my money? |
What means that you can't apply again, this tourney you only have to pay once to fight for 20 battles or only can be defeated by others lords 10 times to complete tourney. |
ok. thank you |
since today is last day for minor tournament , most of the players have already completed their tries. so either you dont have any opponent , or there are odd numbers of players and unluckily you was dropped out |
look im waiting 1hour... only wait. give my money pleas and i go to sleep |