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AuthorPurchasing and enrolling multi
1)it was said that purchasing with multi for enrolling of main is forbidden
2)If multi buy it necessarily (enough reason to buy) then can main enroll there?

The reason of purchasing is not to enroll for main (with other enough reason), then can main enroll there

If u ask can me "can u prove it no matter what that multi will buy it"
Yes I can
In my opinion the asnwer is NO, simply because your multi will help your main. And this is forbidden.
I think you can do it for once if its much necessary , actually doing it on regular basis is forbidden.
doing it on regular basis is forbidden
And that is because if you truely wanted to avoid breaking that rule, you would play your multi as it's supposed to be played, in such way that enrolls don't conflict with both accounts.

Of course cases where your multi wants to buy some mercury/ore/etc you would only face this problem only once per multi's level up or faction switch and other cases of castle building. Such rare cases are ok, noone will blame you for it.

But buying weapons from map while in market they are cheaper, yeah that's obviously a multi trying to boost others and not its own gold.

When you level up and are going to build the buildings available in castle, you are expected to do it at once as well. Buildin Monks at multi's level 8 and after an hour buying resources for crossbowmen could indicate sceduled facility manipulation by multi.

Short answer : You are free to buy anything you want with multi as long as you need it and by chance grab a position on a facility. Just make sure to buy the things your multi needs at the time it needs them, rather than postponing them for "weird" reasons. After that your main can do anything you want.
SirM0rphius in post 2 is correct.

3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions. Additional character must be completely independent; remember, that extrachars created for financial profiting of the main character in any way are blocked without hesitation. ...

It is not an independent act if you pick the time to buy anything at the same time as your main need a place to enroll and you happen to be in the same area.

You might not be caught doing it a few times, but it is still illegal.

I heard that many multies have been blocked because they buy from facilities belonging to an MC that the main belongs to.

Anything you do with your multi must be completely independent from your main. Very simple.
Your main is not allowed to benefit from actions of the multi so this is not allowed.

If the multi needs to buy something then you should ensure the main does not enrol there afterwards.
You might not be caught doing it a few times, but it is still illegal.
It doesn't matter, since I won't do it if it is illegal even if it is not likely to get caught. I won't take a risk, I play approx 3 years and will continue over many years.

So can my main enroll 1 hour later after multi buy (it would obviously show that I am not doing this for main enroll purpose, nor MC nor any specific party)

For the detail, I want a PM chat with a mod: to be able to express the real situation
(can any mod: help me?) I don't want to public the exact case.
You're thinking too much about it.
So can my main enroll 1 hour later after multi buy (it would obviously show that I am not doing this for main enroll purpose, nor MC nor any specific party)
we have a big map. always make sure your main and alt are different map locations :)
we have a big map. always make sure your main and alt are different map locations :)
what if im doing MC on main/multi/both, they be running around the entire map
for Gaara:
For the detail, I want a PM chat with a mod: to be able to express the real situation

I'll be happy to talk to you. But so far for me is clear, any help (no matter how remote it is) between a main and a multi is against the law. And it's better to play safe, then to see if there is any loophole in the system.

For example I play my main and multi in different locations on the map.
for KabutoYakushi:
what if im doing MC on main/multi/both, they be running around the entire map

A lot of the players are doing this. Just make sure that your multies and main don't help each-other in any way.
what if im doing MC on main/multi/both, they be running around the entire map well all three(main and both alt) running here and there in entire map right. so why they(all three) stop at one point(map) enroll. just run them and enroll. :P
2)If multi buy it necessarily (enough reason to buy) then can main enroll there?

It's not worth the few extra gold coins to get even a tiny bit of unwanted attention or suspicion. You do not want the "Sweepers" or whoever is monitoring to know your name.
Why does it matter if its illegal or not, even if you do this for a year you will not get caught and no one can report you without proof.
#15. People are already being punished for this.
#15. People are already being punished for this.

Please, can you show me an example?
why would you use your multi? if you buy an artifact with your main you can sell it usually with a small profit on the market as well, even more profit then when you buy it with your multi.
for Gaara:
We talked via PM. Let me know if we can close this topic or you want to see more answers.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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