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AuthorMilitary Clans - Player's Rank
How about introducing player's rank system for MC's?

Like current system , its look dumb that who joined 1st is on 1st number in MC players list
How about , whenever a player plays survilurg battle for MC and win , he moves ahead a rank up OR ranking on basis on number of defense played/won.

Also if player rent from depository , its gains more rank as he is helping MC balance only ( however he will gain more rank , if he wins defense.. defense is 1st priority )

Need for this?

1) All MC's can have list of MOST active players
2) Leader can give gift to active players every month? ( optional )
3) Leader can know who are active and who are inactive , in this way it becomes easier to evict inactive player.. as finding player by clicking on every number now is bit sophisticated
4) Fun! :) Every player in MC will try to gain more and more rank - Which will help them and encourage them to do more and more defense

Any other suggestions or addition are welcomed :)
Great Idea :D

I don't think this is needed. Clans can and do already have their own ranking and points system and a text box aftereeach players name to record whatever they want.

It can be useful to see who has been in a clan longest and would be a shame to lose this.
In a regular MC, people keep leaving as mercs, thus making it not the most convincing mean to determine players' life in the clan. I'm number 232 right, whereas before going as a merc in EFL, I was <20
+1 if it can be a selected option, then each MC can decide for themselves how they want to see their members ranked.
If the number of defences for the clan is somehow saved even when a player temporarily leaves the clan, automatically placing them back at the correct ranking when they return, then that would solve the problem Pank mentioned. No idea whatsoever if that is at all technically possible ofc :)
+1 to LL complementary idea
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