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Author127th ST L11
here's what i got... a tribal will get much further

1) 59 wardens/ 59 wardens/ warden monster (29hp)/ 59 wardens (arrow orb)
2)154 skele legoinaires (all sides) ( initiative)
3)33 anchorites/ 3 magma dragons/ 33 anchorites/ 3 magma dragons (attack orb)
4)35 mino gladiators/ 85 tempered centaurs/3 tribal cyclops/23 lizard chargers (mana orb)
5)4 behemoths (all sides) (initiative orb)
6)12 voracious anglerfish/171 dryads/12 voracious anglerfish/171 dryads (speed orb)
7)8 devils (all sides) (speed orb)
8)932 goblins/466 rebels/932 goblins/466 rebels (initiative orb)
9)270 demons/ 38 lizard assailants/ 341 fairies/18 demiliches (defence orb)
10)19 invokers/230 magogs/19 invokers/230 magogs(recruit-7 titans)
11)73 ogres (all sides) (speed orb)
12)150 forest brethren (all sides) (mana orb)
13)204 blazing hounds/ 52 exorcists/204 blazing hounds/52 exorcists (recruit-11 thrones)
14)114 priests/14 green dragons/ priests monsters (4760hp)/ 14 green dragons (defence orb)

done this blind.

hope it helps to all competitors
1) 59 wardens/ 59 wardens/ warden monster (294hp)/ 59 wardens (arrow orb)
2 Tried
,ax on wave 9:(
which faction you try death2all? =)
necro :P normal necro
for _1rip1_:
easy to get to wave 14 with barb also.
I know =(
still have 3 tries, hope to do better
you probally have a better score then me anyway, the lightning tower did alot of the work
most stupid 5 tried ever did in st
always screwing up in wave 7 :/
I got nearly 130k as holy knight :D this was my first 5 attempts in Level 11 st so couldn't do well :P Got screwed in wave 13
closed by ElfPride (2014-03-10 11:40:41)
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