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AuthorArmy of phenixes
A huge army of 'Phoenixes {0}' is about to raid the '#269 - Crystal cavern'. Hurry over there, strike the separate groups of enemies, and the victory is yours! Hurry or they will attack all together in '600' minutes.

Is this winnable at CL 14?
u need to wear full sets armor if u gonna fight this.i have encounter this.u will have to fight 4 phoenixes at first wave then second wave u will have to fight 6 phonixes
It is easier for Wizards and Factions with strong Shooters (Rebel Knights, Elves)
I am worried about the lava shield. I lost a minimum AP mercenary quest against a Magma dragon (0) because of the magma shield..

It burns...
And I have to kill them all twice?
yup all of them twice so all together will be 20 phoneixes
The top hunter has only killed 24!..(which i guess means 48), but he is CL21..
ops sorry wrong info delete post 3.only 4 on first and second wave so all together is 8
Ok well I beat them fairly easily with full-arts plus enchanted sword and got a fire-crystal, ironically...

thanks all.
closed by Warwick-the-wiz (2014-02-01 10:57:49)
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