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Authorlost and capturing of subdistricts
how do we capture other clans subdistricts and how do we lose ours?
Is it like 3members of our clan go to a random facility and just like hijack it to steal their gold or something? then if we win, we get the facility.. im not sure
AI characters randomly attack facilities on the map. Those attacks will be listed here (https://www.lordswm.com/mapwars.php) 1 hour before the attack starts. During that time the military clan who owns the facility must form vanguards to defend it. If they fail, the facility will be lost. After some time (the time can be seen here: https://www.lordswm.com/mwlog.php) other MCs will get the chance to capture the facility. For 2 hours they'll form vanguards to attack the AI characters. The military clan who achieves the biggest amount of wins against them will be the new owner of the facility. Also every won combat gives some gold to the MC treasury. Of course the players have to be in the right location for every combat.
Most of the answer is here
each time a facikity gets attacked by. the survilurgs you need 7 teams of 3 players to defend
nothing killed is 15% for the facility, the more you kill, the less control you lose
if you lost 100% you lose the facility, thus one defence with no one joining is 7*15=105% lost
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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