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AuthorPrices of elements
Why are different elements valued differently??
The supply for all is same, maybe a bit extra for those found in lower MGguilds, but y is there such a price difference between all elements of the same tier?
What i mean is that cost of Met.SHard is aroud 2k while Fire crystal, water crystal and wind flower is apprx 3.5k

As the demand is same for all the elements, y are some more expensive?
Is this because the prices were set so from the beginning to be different?

And if one were too completely buy all the viper venom from the market and sell them for 10 times the price, would they be able to succesfully permanently increase the price of viper venom?
Some elements are less common as they are used more frequently in enchanting and you need higher MG levels to get as drops.
if you try to buy all of 1 element in market, you will go broke looooong before yu buy them all :)

even if you have millions of gold
1. The supply is not equal. The most obvious way to see that is that only a few elements are possible to get at lower MG levels.

2. The demand is not equal because some different types of enchants use different elements and some enchantments are better than others.
for vbFifi: u r right. I successfully bought all the viper venom, but new many new lots came up inmminutes.
I now have 17k worth viper venom
for Anony-mouse:
I now have 17k worth viper venom

I guess that if there is ever a high demand for Viper Venom, I know where to go:P
I now have 17k worth viper venom
I think you raised the average price from 92 to 93. Keep it up!

And please read pose #3 again.
[Post deleted by moderator Lord Khellendros // Deleted by posters request]
delete my previoius post. our forum made parts of my text unreadable. sorry for reposting

[#5], for vbFifi: u r right. I successfully bought all the viper venom, but new many new lots came up inmminute
You can do it e.g. during the night. There're only 1-2k players online.

Trading with elements can be hige buisness, but you need good statistics and beeing good in estimate when the next event will happen - e.g. on .com we get some narrative texts firstly, so this is a good hint, that in the next time will happen some event and prices for elements will go down. So it is a good strategy to sell all the elements, because during the event prices for elements fall down. As far as i can remember in june, july, august prices for elements were incredibly high:
holidays -> long war with survilurgs -> enchanted weapons were broken -> people needed new enchanted weapons -> high demand on elements -> increasing prices

[#1], And if one were too completely buy all the viper venom from the market and sell them for 10 times the price, would they be able to succesfully permanently increase the price of viper venom?
but temporarely.
demand determines the price
Price changes every day and also during the day. During the night they are usually higher than during the day.

Don't forget this:
http://lordswm.org/mw/?cat=elements // elements prices overview

btw, there're some other people who already have and had an idea to increase the price for some type of the element (e.g. Crag_Hack with 18k abrasives). E.g. here https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=5148 is a clan where are people have >= 200 abrasives and their global plan is to increase prices for abrasives and then to make profit.
But to be honestly this idea is remeber me a little bit about Sisyphus.

Abrasives and meteorites are the first artifacts which you'll get in first level of MG, so the daily drop of this elements is very high (don't forget also "Chests of abundance", where is also high number of elements' drop)
1) There is some probability for drop number of each element type. Sum of the probabilities for each element type is a propability to get element for each MG-level

(2) And there is also some probabilty that player xy will reach last level of mercenaries guild (combat level-MG-level-correlation and don't forget the difficulty level of MG-quests which also always increases)

(3) different prices for elements determine also the different prices for enchantements and they vice versa determine the demand of elments and so the elements' price. circle process.

(1)+(2) -> [#4] 1. The supply is not equal. The most obvious way to see that is that only a few elements are possible to get at lower MG levels.

(3) -> [#4] 2. The demand is not equal because some different types of enchants use different elements and some enchantments are better than others. e.g.: "ignore"/"deffence" (I,D) are the most expensive enchantements, because you need moonstones and you get them only on high lvl of MG (see (1) and (2))
I think I just raised the price for abrasive, actually. From 300 to around 320.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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