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AuthorMoney smart choice?
would buying a 7/63 mithril longsword E6A6W6F6 for 30,000 gold. then repairing it after it has 0/63, getting a full repair then selling it be a good idea? if so give me an idea of the price it could sell for reasonably.

Any help would be appreciated :)
u might get some profit if u can find the right buyer but i would advise against it with yr current gold lv...=)
lol. i know my gold level doesnt look good but i got more than plenty arts stocked up, if i can make a good profit from this im considering it
look at the 4X5 mithril sword selling at 60+ k and nobody buying it...
use it as reference as yrs would b about the same durability after repair...
it would cost around 48-50k for the art n repairing u MIGHT b able to sell it for say 60-65k...
u can also make some profit by renting it out for the last 7 battles could get 5k ??
n again i emphasis on all my might's cos im no enchanted arts user im jz a little trader...=)
also no guarantees on my prizes...=)
closed by Malz (2013-12-06 06:40:58)
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