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AuthorWhy there is a repair option?
Take it serious.

My Shield costs: 500G 40/40
to repair it costs 3000G and it gets 4/39, why there is Repair option anyways?
It is mainly used to repair enchanted artifacts which can cost 100,000s of gold to produce or very rare artifacts.

In some situations it can also be cheaper per battle to repair some shop arts.
As you have noticed repairing will refill the durability of an borken artifact(0/xxx) and decreases the max duro by 1.
The duro you get from repair depends on the smith guild level of the smith repairing it.

If a smith having SG level 3 reapirs an art the the art will gain 40% of original duro,SG 4 will do 50% and so on with 90% being max..

From some arts it becoms costly to buy a new one. In this situation repairing is useful.
Just like every other guild, Smith's guild gives a better outcome when you level it up. In general it's not worth it, unless you play for tens of years in the game. However, there are people with complete Smith's Guild (high efficiency, 90% of original durability) that can repair for you (for a small extra charge to their advantage). Imagine that you had enchanted that shield, I12A12F12E12N12 modifications and it reaches 0 durability. Those enchants cost a hell of money (could be about half million), so buying a new enchanted shield is definitely a waste of enchant modifications for you and that's when you need the repair button. Same with rare artifacts, but enchanted artifacts are the most common case.
Repairing normal artifacts is good only if that art is enchanted
You wont discard 0 durability heavy enchanted arts , will you? :)
Don't forget that the smithing efficiency is a parameter that gets evolved as you practice it more. The Smiths' Guild offers a possibility to become a proficient smith to repair items at up to 90% of an artifact's current efficiency. Services of such smiths are very valued among players who possess rare and enchanted items, for it is the best opportunity to maximise the extension of their use.
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