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AuthorRiver Tribes Liberated!
As the last savage leader of the barbarians fell and the dust around the last battle location settled, different emotions reigned the faces and the souls of the victorious alliance. The heroes and lords of the Empire knew there was a greater conflict to return to, so they could only count on a short rest from their military service; their merriness was affected.
On the other hand, the barbarians were befallen by euphoria. Their path had led them through many ills and hardship, from being exiled for professing an intolerable spiritual culture, through years of wandering to being terrorized by their own leaders who had grown cruel and merciless. Now finally, the streak of hardships was over and there was bright future ahead.

A luxurious tabernacle was set up at riverbank on Empire side to house Warlord Grammith and to host parley between him and the river tribes. The heralds quickly made known that the Empire generalissimo was expecting one Barbarian man to speak for the entire population. Soon, followed by a cheerful roar, Glorlaf appeared mounted on the other bank and rode towards the bridge. He was chosen to represent the barbarians for the upcoming parley and for the times to come.

Glorlaf arrived accompanied by a few of his men and four large covered horse-drawn carts. "Do you know where I can find Rayzar of the Crimson Blade", he inquired. Grammith explained that the famous barbarian bounty-hunter had received sudden news about his homeland and rode there after turning his vow on assisting the river barbarians to the Empire. Glorlaf exchanged a few words with his companions, jumped off his horse and walked slowly towards the carriage. "This was promised to him as part of the deal. I believe this is now yours by right", he stated unwrapping one of the carts. A multitude of crude menacing weaponry and armament items, trophies captured at the overthrown leaders' keeps, immediately drew the attention of Grammith's surrounding officers, but not him.
The knight stood feasting his eyes on the young leader, now the only leader of his entire kindred, and pride mixed with slight envy filled his heart. He had heard about the endurance and resoluteness of Glorlaf that, given his young age, were particularly admirable. Grammith shook hands with him as equal, and asked him into the tabernacle in a deferential gesture...

Lordship, our campaign has ended in a quick success! All the savage leaders who used to terrorise the two tribes have been slain; and through their elected representative, the liberated barbarians have expressed the wish to join the Empire. Thereupon, The Wilderness is announced part of Empire territory.
The tribes presented the Warlord with the trophies that were promised to their liberator. The trophies will be granted to all Lords and Ladies who have achieved at least 5 victories in the campaign battles. The artifact type and durability depends on the points earned in victorious combats, and the number of savage barbarian leaders slain:


16 Most successful Military clans will be generously awarded with gold from Empire treasury. The feats of 50 best heroes and clans will be perpetuated in Empire records:

The Warlord remarks the ten most prominent slayers of savage barbarian leaders:
Top 50 slayersTop 50 by points:
#27 Crag_Hack[19] 28
#27 SpiritHorse[18] 28
#27 SHimosava[16] 26
#1271 Anastasyja007[16] 19
#104 _Optimus_Prime_[17] 19
#57 Верховный-воин[17] 18
#1271 Г_Н_О_М[16] 17
#2226 pulemet-sd[16] 16
#302 Zhekas[17] 16
#1271 капай26[15] 16
#2517 Мечник Мрака[13] 15
#18 Араквиэль[18] 15
#1271 AGRESSOR[17] 15
Gatsby[8] 14
#1271 desperate-forev[15] 14
#7777 Hekpo[17] 14
#276 Месть Несущий[13] 13
#57 Неи100вый[15] 13
#1254 scott1991[16] 13
#782 JT_Monroe[13] 13
#276 _Сардукар_[15] 13
#1597 Серый5555[16] 12
#104 x_net_x[16] 12
#7777 Гектор[21] 12
#7705 -hashisfun-[15] 12
#1271 sem11[14] 12
#104 IrugaBSU[20] 12
#5063 Леший72[16] 12
#57 Svetikul[17] 12
#41 Сибиряк78[18] 12
#7705 vbFifi[13] 11
#2517 LordToper[8] 11
#1254 rukonog[16] 11
#433 СержЪ[17] 11
umka318[14] 11
#1597 CrazyDima[16] 11
#276 Раздолбай13[16] 11
#57 Yavlat[16] 11
#2517 TheKronos[13] 11
#41 МИКОЛАСЬ[16] 11
#18 Дева_из_склепа[11] 11
#18 Collector79[11] 11
#41 __BloodRayne__[15] 11
#433 crazyk[18] 11
#1254 MessirSceletons[16] 11
#433 Gargulja[16] 11
#18 Tmd[16] 11
#18 IriShkA[16] 11
#18 Pyramid Head[17] 11
#276 Мироми[17] 10
#2870 goshazvir[16] 560
#41 Геофизик[18] 560
#3572 Великий-Спартак[14] 496
#1254 -DeathMaster-[17] 484
#2870 Valdis78[17] 466
#928 Dreus[17] 466
#104 serakm[20] 461
#27 SpiritHorse[18] 433
#27 Crag_Hack[19] 418
#3572 догал[14] 409
#2870 Yndith[18] 408
#2870 Ba-butsa[16] 407
#27 SHimosava[16] 407
#57 MuscleTech[18] 384
#2120 Adelllete[9] 379
#18 Medousa Gorgonion[17] 374
#2303 Lisi4kin[13] 364
#5063 Тадор[7] 351
#5063 Halson[7] 351
#57 Critical Damage[17] 347
#823 ВестникОрды[14] 347
#1519 _Император_33[14] 345
#1180 КнязьТьмы1000[12] 342
#2303 Дитя_АДА1488[16] 342
#823 Джёкер[15] 339
#1271 Г_Н_О_М[16] 338
#785 Сталкер1[17] 335
#18 -Трогвар[17] 326
#1271 desperate-forev[15] 322
#57 Верховный-воин[17] 320
#104 _Optimus_Prime_[17] 320
#57 ГенералКапель[18] 319
#18 Tolik22[14] 318
#18 Stealth[17] 318
#18 Араквиэль[18] 316
#1254 Skorpiyo[15] 311
#433 Gargulja[16] 306
#6285 Димон26рег[10] 302
#104 Gudini_mudini[17] 301
#3572 MrRingleader[14] 301
#1271 Anastasyja007[16] 301
#1271 капай26[15] 301
#41 __BloodRayne__[15] 301
#5349 овладею рунами[9] 300
#823 Say_Plz[18] 300
#5349 ПочтиСопряг[7] 298
#17 Black_666[16] 298
#7777 Hekpo[17] 297
#468 Leana[13] 294
Силикоид_некр[11] 288

MC Top 50 slayers:MC Top 50:
#18#18 †Орден Миротворцев†114
#1271#1271 Братство Героев113
#104#104 Titans96
#823#823 Legion of Honor87
#41#41 Долина Магов82
#7777#7777 Бессмертные78
#27#27 Орда70
#57#57 Тридевятое королевство68
#2517#2517 The Dedicated Fighters62
#433#433 Сарматы59
#302#302 «Орден Единых»59
#782#782 Темные рыцари56
#276#276 Молот Ведьм54
#5063#5063 Братство Огненного Дракона52
#14#14 Братство Стали51
#468#468 Орден Равновесия48
#5604#5604 Artefactum48
#176#176 Героические друзья47
#7705#7705 † Angels & Demons Ψ47
#783#783 Rutenia44
#1254#1254 Миракулюс44
#1597#1597 Южная Гвардия 44
#5349#5349 Долина Магов: Орден Серебряного Василиска43
#3572#3572 Colossus41
#2870#2870 Тайное Королевство40
#464#464 Белая Гвардия35
#1519#1519 Украина34
#846#846 †Академия Миротворцев†31
#2303#2303 III legion of Elfius30
#3995#3995 Триглав30
#2226#2226 Elite angels29
#4201#4201 Empire`s Wrath29
#73#73 Орден Джедаев28
#6055#6055 Братство Героев: 3-й Дивизион28
#1512#1512 † Nekropolis †28
#928#928 Железный Легион26
#2301#2301 I legion of Elfius26
#1180#1180 Паутина23
#3346#3346 Радуга23
#1631#1631 "Щит империи"23
#5757#5757 Мстители23
#4370#4370 Великие стражи Империи22
#2894#2894 Российская Империя22
#6815#6815 Хирд21
#933#933 Warriors21
#1209#1209 Any Key19
#4129#4129 Стальной Отряд18
#997#997 Солдаты удачи17
#236#236 Black Empire16
#1041#1041 Союз элитных командармов империи16
#104#104 Titans14532
#1271#1271 Братство Героев14281
#18#18 †Орден Миротворцев†12987
#41#41 Долина Магов11864
#7777#7777 Бессмертные9653
#57#57 Тридевятое королевство9467
#14#14 Братство Стали8984
#5063#5063 Братство Огненного Дракона8742
#2303#2303 III legion of Elfius8615
#3572#3572 Colossus8340
#823#823 Legion of Honor7803
#7705#7705 † Angels & Demons Ψ6932
#1519#1519 Украина6807
#2301#2301 I legion of Elfius6766
#782#782 Темные рыцари6459
#2870#2870 Тайное Королевство5838
#1254#1254 Миракулюс5659
#5757#5757 Мстители5392
#73#73 Орден Джедаев5312
#783#783 Rutenia5279
#5349#5349 Долина Магов: Орден Серебряного Василиска5222
#302#302 «Орден Единых»4775
#433#433 Сарматы4625
#27#27 Орда4146
#468#468 Орден Равновесия4141
#276#276 Молот Ведьм4088
#5604#5604 Artefactum3885
#4370#4370 Великие стражи Империи3866
#176#176 Героические друзья3762
#1180#1180 Паутина3596
#3995#3995 Триглав3565
#2517#2517 The Dedicated Fighters3510
#846#846 †Академия Миротворцев†3425
#2338#2338 Владыки гор3345
#1597#1597 Южная Гвардия 3300
#6815#6815 Хирд3239
#933#933 Warriors3152
#464#464 Белая Гвардия2915
#2894#2894 Российская Империя2831
#928#928 Железный Легион2796
#6285#6285 Братство буревестника.2793
#6055#6055 Братство Героев: 3-й Дивизион2639
#4201#4201 Empire`s Wrath2621
#997#997 Солдаты удачи2579
#1512#1512 † Nekropolis †2539
#1041#1041 Союз элитных командармов империи2531
#2302#2302 II legion of Elfius2527
#3346#3346 Радуга2511
#13#13 Вестники тьмы2419
#2735#2735 Ангелы смерти2211

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