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   Forums-->Ordinary artifacts-->

Author[SELL][Shop Artifacts CL7-10][90-95% durability]
Locket of crystallized tears*2 [47/50] 9000g
Firebender Staff [67/70] 17000g
Firebender Staff [70/70] 18000g
Firebender Staff [90/90] offer
Staff of Power [47/50] 6200g
Scroll of Energy [67/70] 9050g
Prophet Ring*2 [38/40] 5150g
Ring of Abdication [7/50] 900g

Plz PM me to check for available
Local Rule "2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Transaction type][Item][Mod][Durability][Price]

[Durability] - compulsory parameter for "Sell" and "Exchange" types in case if the item is single or if all of multiple items have exact same durability. It is indicated using the two numbers as it is displayed in the inventory: [current dur/current max dur].

It is strictly forbidden to mark the thread with (...) and full caps. Details of intended transaction must be listed in the thread, not in the header. Listing any other features than directed by the standard is forbidden."

You have many items with very differerent dirabilities, new and used so below header would be good and also follor local rules:

Correct header example:
[Sell][Shop Artifacts CL7-10]

Please reopen the thread using above header.
closed by Elrond (2013-09-21 21:28:30)
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