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Author[sell][various arts][increased durability][various levels]
Hello again,
I am selling some increased durability arts which are:-

2X Steel Cuirass(85/85) - https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=ciras - 6100 gold each
Sorcerer sandals(85/85) - https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=wiz_boots - 11000 gold
Light Mithril Boots(70/70) - https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=mif_lboots - 10500 gold
[Post deleted by moderator Elrond // ]
L.R. 2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Transaction type][Item][Mod][Durability][Price]

[Durability] - compulsory parameter for "Sell" and "Exchange" types in case if the item is single or if all of multiple items have exact same durability. It is indicated using the two numbers as it is displayed in the inventory: [current dur/current max dur].

So there have to be written numers if you use [Durability] parameter and not word description. Also there is no header parameter such as Combat Level but you can write the combat level in the item description. So please reopen the thread with the following type of header:

[Sell][Shop artifacts CL7-12][70-85/70-85]
[Sell][Shop artifacts CL7-12]
and put the durabilities inside the thread
closed by Elrond (2013-09-15 15:03:34)
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