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AuthorHG FSP exp revamped?
My hunting i gotten 1 fsp in 1 hunt..anyone noticed?
Seems like .ru got an official announcement.

Before departing from the Capital to lead a military expedition in support of the past, the governor gram can not leave the rest of the troops of the Empire unattended. With the incessant attacks of the armies Survilurgov - this could be a fatal mistake. Fortunately, more recently, it has almost all matters of this kind could easily rely on Sir Kalirosha. But this time, among other things, the governor instructed the military adviser on security and more to develop a program to improve the training of young heroes. At first a little taken aback by the entrusted responsibility is not quite his usual field of activity, Kalirosh still collected his thoughts and asked for help from an old friend: the demon Arabat IV Ognedushnomu and dark elf Kh'Everstu. A few days of fruitful work in good company, as expected, given their results. In addition to developing new and improved methods of teaching tactical actions on the battlefield, attention has also been paid to advisers on the characteristics of the process of hunting, as one of the first joint military procedures, where the team practiced action heroes.

Heroes today in the Empire shall enter into force following a number of changes:
1) Increased the number of skills obtained in the hunt;
2) improve the ratio obtained skills Bonus for the assistant on the hunt;
3) When hunting with a mate reward is automatically divided equally after the victory;
4) For Heroes 1-4 levels reduced the number of stacks for placement. This is to simplify and speed up the fights.
just less than 2 hours ago i did a hunt and still got 0.5 fsp

should have waited 1 hour more for extra 0.5 fsp -_-
same here for my last hunt
sorry for double post but is this only for today or is this permanent?
why is that .ru always get the front line news ..And we .com like know nothing unless we go .ru forums to dig..
also MC logo in mine Location section(inside)

sorry for double post but is this only for today or is this permanent?
lol finally announced
so do this mean new gamers gets more fsp compare to us
sory for double posting
but the real mean is will the average fsp of new gamers will be higher than us
but the real mean is will the average fsp of new gamers will be higher than us

Maybe not real purpose, but yes new players will have that way more fsp.
now ill surely assist people :P
I was only low hg6 with many white hunts, how convenient :p

thanks a lot admins for this update
an unannounced change:

5) increased exp/fsp ratio in hunting by increasing the fsp twofold but the experience threefold.

evidences are:
Before: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=547989362, I fought 35 apparitions, 189 EXP and 0.5 FSP, the exp per creature is 5.4
After: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=556030072, I fought 45 apparitions, 721 EXP and 1.1 FSP(I have VIP charm so +10%), the exp per creature is 16.2

The admins have increased the experience threefold, but fsp only twofold, making the exp/fsp ratio 150% as before in hunting. i.e. you now earn 50% more exp for getting the same amount of fsp.
experience also change? or only fsp?
The admins have increased the experience threefold, but fsp only twofold, making the exp/fsp ratio 150% as before in hunting. i.e. you now earn 50% more exp for getting the same amount of fsp.

Result=faster leveling for everyone
The increasing of experience is even more horrible:

This guy fought 15 gremlins (should have been 27 exp before) but ended up with 490 exp. I don't even know how many folds did they increase the experience.
3.33 fsp for a hunt
lol ^^

but maybe exp in hg also depends on combat level now?
but maybe exp in hg also depends on combat level now?

This was my first guess ^^

I've fought another hunt, 7 Archliches, calculated as 154 EXP, but ended up also 721.

If it depends on combat level, does it mean 70 times CL?

that guy was level 7 and earned 490.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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