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AuthorWhy was my main account banned?
My account called the_big_one was randomly banned yesterday and i was wondering why this is. It may have been something to do with my brother and his account called -lucas but I don't know why I was banned as well could anyone help me out here
I tried to google-translate the block description but I didn't understand anything. But I have a few guesses:

1. You had not properly explained in your profile about your brother and any additional chars you might have.

2. You had transfers between you and your brother. Transfers between accounts played from the same IP should generally be avoided.
Topic moved from "Technical support" to "Queries and help".
You were blocked because of your multis
You were blocked because of your multis
3.10.1. If you register an additional character, you are bound to show that in the opening line of the "character information" of both, commenting who is the main character and who is the additional one. Just the line "I've got another character" or "This is an additional character" is not enough. Indication of nicknames of them all is obligatory. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked on sight.
3.10.2. Main character is held responsible for additional characters' actions.
3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.
Your block mean : NEST of MULTIS
Probably you have some unsigned chars ...
[Post deleted by moderator Corey // Trolling.]
for Arghmage:
Ridiculous suggestion. 1 topic hardly constitutes spam if it is a legitimate question nor would he be blocked for asking such a question.

The translation reads roughly as Bantex mentioned in post 6 NEST of MULTIS

Please re-read all rules, https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5 - Particularly numbers 3.8 through to 3.16 which relate to having additional characters.
Stupid me. I always thought that this rule is still active:

4. Questions regarding penalties, unblock requests, and other kinds of communication with Administration are made with the help of Secretary (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4). If your combat level is below the 3rd and you can't use the private mail - either raise your level or ask your friends or clanmates. Contacting the Administration via "Queries & Help" is SENSELESS.

But instead my post got deleted that was pointing out that even a few hours after being blocked he is still breaking the rules.

So he can go on and breake the rules, why my post got deleted?
So he can go on and breake the rules, why my post got deleted?
You called it spam, and as corey said 1 topic hardly constitutes spam

You post didn't quote the rule or was in any way helpful.

His question is answered as good as any of us can do, so I am locking the thread.

If thread starter has any further question or reason for this to be unlocked then he can pm me.
closed by Lord Khellendros (2013-08-15 12:26:57)
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