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Authorserver crash affects event

very unfair((( how admins will fix?
Happen to me too, lasted almost an hour

it should be fixed before 13:00, unless survilurgs found a way to sabotage the servers too.
@3: it is unfair also if admin just return properties to clans- must they defend 2x again then? if yes, unfair they have less time. if no, unfair they free now compared with unaffected clans to conquer new facilities
17 facilities have been lost this way, unfortunately we will be the last to informed about what is going to happen.If we will be informed at all.
best way would be all the clans make a mutual aggreement and dont fight for the lost facilities and let the previous owners take them with minimal effort and cost.Very hard solution, since i dont know how we can comunicate with the russians and if everyone would aggree to respect this.Anyway this service says that it is from gamers to gamers,so maybe we, the players, can sort it out until 15:00.
https://www.lordswm.com/allroul.php watch spin history and time :)
Very annoying for those who lost their facilities.. :(
its a sign maybe admins are doing something :)
its a sign maybe admins are doing something :)
+1 i think they will make a big event :P like insight tournament :)
or just testing fair play of the MCs :)
or maybe server is also tired of event :D
nothing going happen,i like that Russian thread comment " admin do everything to create clan war, but people not understanding it :) "
The solution is simple: roll back the server, and end this event.
admin do everything to create clan war, but people not understanding it

Ofc people do not understand this, it costs tons of money, take's 4 weeks, and you're almost forced to play every day when you're in a MC..
i think they will make a big event :P like insight tournament :)
They did mention new barbarian alts:)
Actually, Information was already there, but not official.


In the future there will be even more temporary faults that can move the characters back in time for the battle with the ancient heroes and monsters.
So thing form there side :P, if server crash then clan must find there way to retrieve lost sits. too bad anyway let us protect rest. hop no surprise again
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