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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others-->

AuthorStrange Transfer log

As you can see from this transfer log, he is reciving tons of gold as "gift" from different players. I also noticed this:

Demonic soldier axe [I12E12A12W12F12], Demonic soldier shin-plates [D11E11A11W11F11], Demonic soldier shield [D11E11A11W11F11],Demonic soldier armor [D11E11A11W11F11], Demonic soldier helmet [D11E11A11W11F11], Demonic soldier amulet [N11E11A11W11F11].
Transaction price: 1 Gold each part

What do you think about that? I didn't translate the wole transfer log, but I noticed he is reciving a lot of gold for free and assist other characters financially is illegal, right?
Demonic set is a 1 battle lease.
"for 4 battles from sjknot . Transaction price: 1 Gold"... isn't this a gift? I mean, he get a wole set with maxed enchants for 4 gold for 4 battle? Do you really think it's normal?
If it's a gift, it's within the price range.
LR 14. This Complaints and applications thread is NOT intended for considering the forum debates.

Please let keepers to do the investigation.
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